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Chapter 8
- #10 What Fruit is White?
- #325 Why Did Lehi Quote from a Psalm of Repentance In His Dream?
- #402 Why We Still Have to Cling to the Iron Rod Even Though the Path is Strait
- #438 Why Do Biblical Psalms of Lament Show Up in the Book of Mormon?
- #456 Is the Path to Eternal Life “Strait” or “Straight”?
- #474 Why Are There So Many Similarities between the Dreams of Lehi and Joseph Smith, Sr.?
- #544 Why Did Lehi and Jeremiah Find Themselves in a Dark and Dreary Wilderness?
Chapter 9
- #11 Why Did Nephi Write His Small Plates?
- #345 Why Is It Important to Keep Records?
- #452 What Was on the Lost 116 Pages?
Chapter 10
- #12 Did Pre-Christian Prophets Know About Christ?
- #448 Why Did Nephi Clarify That the Messiah Was the Savior of the World?
- #466 Was Lehi Familiar with Zenos’s Allegory of the Olive Tree?
- #475 When Did Lehi Leave Jerusalem?
We’re including some articles from chapters 11 and 12 because they help with understanding Lehi’s vision.
Chapter 11
- #13 What Does the Virgin Mary Have to Do with the Tree of Life?
- #427 How Are Rod and Sword Connected to the Word of God?
- #492 Why Were Lehi and Nephi Guided by Angelic Escorts in Their Visions?
- #543 Why Didn’t Nephi Mention Mary’s Name?
Chapter 12
Google slides to use with your family
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