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Come Follow Me – March 9-15
Jacob 1-4 “Be Reconciled unto God through the Atonement of Christ”
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Hello everyone, thanks for joining us for this week’s come follow me study for the Mormon news report My name is Jenny Noonan and I am joined by what is your name again.
John Dye
john dye. Thanks for joining me john dye we would like to excuse Brent Malone he is with his family. Doing family thing doing important family thing family first is what we always say, so this week’s come follow me study is just four chapters correct.
just four chapters.
Yeah, and it’s Jacob. We are now in the book of Jacob and it’s chapters one through four. It’s for the it’s study for the week of March 9 through the Ides of March. Nerd 15th nerd okay March 9 through 15th Jacob one through four and the title is be reconciled unto God, through the Atonement of Christ, the gist is that Jacob one through four contains a lot of teachings that apply to our day, not that that couldn’t be said about I don’t know much, or most or all of the Scriptures. But I think there are a lot of things here specifically that, that it might be easier to, kind of, you know, apply to our day.
So, Do tell. Something’s on your mind.
Well, yeah, um, I want to ask you, my john dye. Um, have you ever had an experience where a church leader has gone above and beyond in service to you. Have you seen that for someone else. Do you have an experience with us personally. No looking at your at your Scriptures for this I
was gonna say this won’t be found in our scriptures. Yeah, I think so and that’s one thing. You know when I specifically, think of church leaders, I think of selfless individuals for the most part, who, you know, put in countless hours, week after week, you know if you if you look specifically at bishops, five years of service if you look at, or seven or 11. Well yes, depending on where you live. I was gonna say overseas, it might be more stick presidents, traditionally a decade ish. But yeah, there are many church leaders that I’ve had in my time I remember. Gosh, when I was at Rick’s college Rexburg Idaho I’m sorry what. Yes, that’s no longer called Rick’s but I’m a BYU Rex, I’m old enough to remember the Vikings. And when we actually played outside intramurals for sports. So, yeah, you know many people just on my half have put in many many hours you know I think of. Gosh, even my scout leader, which again is a thing of the past now. Yeah. Yeah. Rex what scouts what. Yes, I’m old hashtag a moment. But I remember, Jerry, I won’t say his last name but scout leader who took me under his wing literally when I was 17, and
not literally because he didn’t have a wing, but and I get what you’re saying.
Yes. Plus I probably shouldn’t say a scout leader took anyone on, right, probably not a good thing, but he you know he mentored me and and and really without his assistance. Bless my parents hearts both of them but I may not have been an Eagle Scout so. And again, that’s not the apex of all things that you could do but that just shows I think, in, in taking an interest in individuals and helping them see their possibilities. So thank you, Jerry,
thank you Jim was it your dad. No it wasn’t my dad wasn’t my dad wasn’t your dad. Okay, Jerry the scout leader. Thank you, Jerry both of our
parents both of our fathers are named Jerry,
and neither of them were scout leaders. No, mine was not mine was not either. Okay, excellent glad we have this talk. Yes.
I’m glad that you shared that specifically because in. In the first and second actually in fourth two chapters of Jacob, we learn about about Jacobs diligent labors among his people. And he talks about how righteous leaders labor diligently for the welfare of souls, and it’s interesting when I came across this question. In our study, you know i i had a thought of something that’s, that was done for me. You know you mentioned john bishops stake presidents, etc. But when I think of, there are many, many times that I can think of in my life when church leaders have done things for me or I’ve seen, or witnessed them go above and beyond their calling. And what’s required there in their service to others. Yet, one thing that came, or the first rather thing that came to my mind was a time when I was a single mom and I needed something done. That was quite a big job, and I posted as was not uncommon at the time, on Facebook for kind of crowdsourcing Hey, I am looking to hire someone to do this. Does anyone have a recommendation. And just you know things that I needed help with. And one of the things I said was, you know, I’ve got these it was these four like bushes sort of large brushes yeah and in the front of my house and they were just they were overgrown, and I liked them I never liked them. And I wanted them trimmed down and actually gone.
So a little diesel fuel and a match later and well.
Well, no, but I came back and I had to go somewhere to run some errands, I came back to my house. And there was someone out there who had begun the task of ripping out these huge, I mean they were gigantic
did this individual choose the right for Bush’s, I hope.
Yes. Okay. Yes, okay, the correct, yes.
But, you know, like I said, you mentioned bishops state presidents, this person was still a leader I think we can all. At the time he was my home Teacher, what, what, I’m sorry what Rick’s
scouts home teachers, what are we talking about,
ask your parents, kids. But here’s my home teacher and, and I don’t know that traditionally when we think of leaders we would think of home teachers of ministers, but in a lot of ways, while what we talk about and read about and study in Jacob, is that righteous leaders labored diligently for the welfare of souls I think that’s true I also think that that whether or not we’re called to leader to positions of leadership. We all potentially could find ourselves there and so it’s just something that we all need to do. Agreed.
Well, absolutely. And, you know, you mentioned a few of the chapters in Jacob that we’re studying this week, Jacob 119 obviously is a verse that we’re probably very familiar with. This is Jacob speaking and we did magnify our office into the Lord taking upon us the responsibility. Answering the sins of the people upon our own heads, if we did not teach them the Word of God with all diligence. Were for by laboring with our mind, their blood might not come up on our garments, otherwise their blood would come upon our garments, and we would not be found spotless at the last day. So again, the, the, gosh, the, the need for leaders to realize the weight that is upon their shoulders to teach people to do things. And, but again, being served by these leaders just makes me thankful and grateful for all the things that they do because they’re lay leaders they aren’t paid. They don’t have to be doing this. But again, countless hours, realizing the importance of their calling, I’d say, many of them, carried it out, carry it out in a, in a very great way. Sure. Anyway,
thank you for that the first Jake, Jacob one rather
chapter one verse 19. And again, the beginning of that we did magnify our office unto the Lord and that I think can be any position that we, you know, find ourselves in. Another thing I wanted to just kind of talk about specifically Jacob 212 through 21. Let’s go ahead and read this because I think this is one again that maybe clearly applies to our day and how we ought to view material wealth I’m. I’ll just read that if you don’t mind. Sure, again, Jacob to chapter two verses 12 through 21, and now Behold my brother and this is the word which I declare unto you that many of you have begun to search for gold and for silver, and for all manner of precious ores in in the which this land, which is a land of promise on to you and to your seed doth abound most plentifully, and the hand of Providence has smiled upon you. Most pleasingly that you have obtained many riches and because some of you have obtained more abundantly than that have your brother and, er lifted up in the pride of your hearts and were stiff necks and high heads because of the costliness of your apparel and persecute your brethren because you suppose that you are better than they, And now my brother and do you suppose that God justifies you in this thing. Behold, I say unto you, Nay, but he condemned with you. And if you persist in these things his judgments must speedily, come on to you. Oh, that he would show you that he can pierce you and with one glance of his eye, he can smite you to the dust. Oh, that he would read you from this iniquity and abomination. And, oh, that he would listen under the word of his commands and let not this pride of your hearts destroy your souls. Think of your brethren, like unto yourselves and be familiar with all and free with your substance that they may be rich, like unto you. But before you seek for riches, seek for the kingdom of God. And after you have obtained a hope in Christ, he shall obtain riches. If you seek them, and you will seek them for the intent to do good to clothe the naked and to feed the hungry, and to liberate the captive and administer relief to the sick and the afflicted and now my brethren, I’ve spoken on to you concerning pride. And those of you which have afflicted your neighbor and persecuted him, because you were proud in your hearts of the things which God has given you. What, what’s a of it. Do you not suppose that such things are abominable unto Him, who created all flesh, and the one being is as precious in His sight as the other, and all flesh is up the dust, and for the self same end have He created them that they should keep His commandments and glorify Him forever. Thanks for indulging me just reading that too but I thought it was really important to share those words, and specifically I want to go back to,
you know, for you ready for scripture mastery alert,
oh gosh bee bee bee.
So when I was a kid, 17 and 18. Of those, before you seek for riches. Seek ye first the kingdom of God. Okay, sorry. Thank you.
That’s really impressive I’m
sure you’re great we need that eye
roll emoji know, really cool seminary student. Okay. I actually know i think that’s great,
I do. Yeah, cuz you’re only, you know, 27 now until you remembered it for 10 years,
and you.
Um, so, but verse 19 is something that we hear a lot and I think it’s something that we, you know, a lot of people this is this idea can be, if you take a portion of these words, it can be attributed to what then leads to what we call prosperity gospel which is the idea that people think that any temporal blessing is simply the result of being faithful with, and the problem there is that, then for people, it’s it you know it’s a short trip from that idea to oh well if you aren’t abundantly temporarily blessed, then you must like face
to your righteous right or yeah
if you’re
if you are seen by God. Yeah,
yeah, or that if you want to be. All you need to do is have faith and
now the corollary to that probably is just as bad though, which is,
I need to go through all these trials and troubles and I need to be in poverty to experience the thing God’s want God wants me to experience right,
I don’t know. Okay.
I would say that that. Well, I would just say, you know, some people believe, gosh, I’m not going to go out and try to accumulate things of this world because I need to go through all of these hard experiences. So I can be closer to God through them. Oh, interesting. Yeah, so I I think both ends of the spectrum there’s there’s issues. Yeah, I know, I believe, I believe Heavenly Father wants us to be prosperous, right, but he also wants us as we will read in here, as we have read. He wants us to keep this in perspective and in focus,
and I think, but I think there’s dangerous danger or they can be insane and saying that he wants us to be prosperous because then if we’re not prosperous because prosperous can mean many things surely people but if we’re saying it generally, especially in these terms that might be. Oh. He wants us to be what have a lot of money. I don’t know, do you know I’m saying,
I do, I do exactly and I
read your correctly. Yes, yes,
I, again, I think, either end of the spectrum we have to be careful. And I think what he says in 19, and you slowed down there because you wanted to emphasize it
well and I read it, specifically, or intentionally rather with a different inflection because I think the part that that we get tripped up on is this, and after you’ve obtained to hope in Christ, he shall obtain riches, if you seek them, meaning. After you have faith and you shown face, then that you know when you’re hoping Christ, you’ll get riches if you look for them but right after that. Let me repeat that. And after you have obtained a hope in Christ you shall obtain riches, if you seek them, and you will seek them for the intent to do good to clothe the naked and to feed the hungry, and to liberate the captive and administer relief to the sick and the afflicted. Now, let me very cautiously say what I don’t want to say is that the answer is, just say oh well i i just really desire to have a lot of wealth so that then I can go. Share my wealth and that’s not the point either. But what what the point is I think here is that we should avoid pride, reach out to those in need. And also I mean there’s a lot to say here about how we again our attitudes about material wealth I really like what elder Perry said in 1987, to remember that.
I was a junior in high school that day. Yes, I remember that day. Good.
So referring to Jacob to 13 through 19 elder l Tom Perry taught. We need to take Jacobs counsel to heart. We should read this scripture as though it were written expressly for us in these days because it was his words should cause us to ask soul searching questions of ourselves, is the order of things, right in our own lives. Are we investing, first and foremost, in the things that are eternal in nature. Do we have an eternal perspective. Or have we fallen into the trap of investing in the things of this world first and then forgetting the Lord. Now I would just maybe say in addition to that, you know, I really like that he says are we investing first and foremost in the things that are eternal in nature, money, as in like currency that we use in this world. It is important. I don’t think that anyone is saying, you don’t need to provide for yourself or your family. It is very important. The fact is, money is not eternal. It isn’t the size house you have the status, you have the car you drive, whatever your, your vise or your you know your pleasure is, unless it is the kingdom of God, and your family, those relationships are eternal. Your covenants are eternal. Money is not eternal. And that’s something that I’ve really thought on for quite a few years now that I, it’s something that I think is very important and, and his last question or have we fallen into the trap of investing in the things of this world first and then forgetting the Lord. I would like I said I would add to that, not just investing in the things of this world first and then forgetting the Lord, but investing in the things of this world, first, and then sort of remembering the Lord, because I don’t think that it’s the case that a lot of people acquire material wealth and some might, some might acquire material wealth and then completely forget the Lord, completely abandon their covenants. Sure. I also think there are a lot of people who maybe acquire material wealth and then, Not so much forget the Lord as much as the Lord isn’t as much of a priority. Maybe that’s another warning that we should think about.
Yeah, I think that is good actually.
One thing to think about and this kind of added a new perspective for me on this subject recently. There’s one local businessmen here along the Wasatch Front somebody who knew him was speaking and he said this individual, you know he had the plan to just do a full court press during the first decade or so of his career, hoping to become independently wealthy and being able to retire early and therefore, doing what he wanted to do specifically, you know, from a personal perspective from a church perspective, etc. But, you know, he became addicted to the, to the game to the race. And because of that, made some choices and had it alter his family. Chemistry and some of the things the way his family looks now. So, so yeah I think nothing necessarily is bad in this world. Obviously I’m painting with a very broad brush there yes I’m painting with a broad brush. However, all things in moderation, right we. I just think it’s important our, you know his, his eternal perspective.
Who did you just quote elder elder elder Perry.
I think that’s what he’s saying after you have obtained a hope in Christ priorities everyone eternal perspective, you shall obtain riches if you seek them so if that’s what you want. That is what you’ll get. and you’ll look for them not to keep up with the Joneses necessarily but you’ll seek for them for philanthropic reasons, right to liberate the captive clothe the naked feed the hungry administer relief to the second the afflicted. So I think if, if we have our righteous desires to do good in this world with money. The Lord will indeed fulfill those if that’s what something that we want. We just have to be careful in why we want them and I think that’s very important.
I love what you’re saying. And I just have to disagree push back on this view I can Yeah, because I just think that if there’s there’s danger in saying that, even if we, if we want them. The Lord will bless will bless us with it. Because, who the heck knows why any one acquires wealth I just can’t. I can’t think that it’s because of.
You know what I’m saying, okay, though, I don’t think that you can say, Okay, you’ve got person, a who’s like,
our Father I just really really want to want to have money like I’ve never had money before And can I just have money, please. And the idea that heavenly Father’s like yeah okay, as opposed to Person B who’s like Heavenly Father I just really really want money, so that I can bless. I can bless other people’s lives and if you’re just giving me money then I will close the naked and feed the hungry, and then Heavenly Father’s like, okay, I just don’t think that’s how it works. I think it’s because I think it’s too simplistic to say,
and kind of like TV evangelical to say, like, the Lord will bless you with all these cars if you just whatever. And I know that’s not what you’re saying is not okay. But I just want to, I just want to,
by the way guys we’re 21 minutes in, and we haven’t even hit aren’t me weren’t so this is going to be.
We are not talking about polygamy on International Women’s Day, forget it.
This is going to be a long episode.
I just, you know, I just want to be clear that I don’t even necessarily think that it’s. If you know you know as we’re reading through this because let’s be honest. Today is March, 8, as we’re recording this and this lesson that we’re talking about is for March 9 through 15th. And so we have only read through it together once and we’re talking you know talking in our ideas are evolving as we’re having this recorded conversation.
But I think that even more than
the actual like coming to pass, have we pray for it and the Lord blesses us with it is the idea that when we focus on the Savior. Then we are more inclined to do those things. We are more inclined, no matter our material wealth status to be more like the Savior, to clothe the naked, where we can to feed the hungry, where we can sure, meaning, again, play my single mom card again, but I mean like when I’ve been, not just broke, but poor, like I’ve been poor and. And so, in that case. Did I ever feel like I wasn’t being charitable. I don’t think so. It’s not that I was praying for wealth. Because let’s be honest, that has this whole other world of problems that comes with it. But more than that, if I’m praying if I’m doing my best to keep my covenants to learn from the Savior, be close to the Savior be in tune with the spirit, and live my life as I should. Then I may be in a position to have the blessing of blessing other people’s lives. Now, it may not be on the same scale that I’d like to. It may not be on the same, you know, I’m not gonna give a donation to some charity that I that I really like it may be you know something very simple and local and
not any less meaningful. But just did Am I making sense
absolutely I think we’re saying the same thing. I hope I don’t, I don’t believe anyone Well, I can’t speak that way but I think few people say please bless me with material wealth. That was when I was, I guess what I’m saying is this and I don’t again want to paint with too broad of a brush, but there are very few mission presidents, or general authorities that have, I would say the majority of them have been successful in their material endeavors. They are people who are smart business wise, but have put the Lord first in their lives. Again, for the most part I believe that that is a statement that can be made and would be factual. One thing that is an ancillary blessing to them is material wealth. For many of them. And because of that, and again I can’t speak for everyone, but I believe many of them are then in a position to give back in a way that they couldn’t. If they didn’t have it. So I guess, really it’s just priorities it’s put the Lord first and everything else will follow and sometimes that will be material goods and guess what. I think what Jacobs saying here is, guys, you’re putting material goods in front of God, it’s becoming your idol chairs is not anything different than Moses hit, then almost every civilization has hit. Since the beginning of man. And they were aware of God. It’s where are you putting your time where are you putting your attention, where are you putting your focus. And if we do what we’re asked of that way. Everything else will fall into place whether or not we’re blessed with material goods, we can bless the person down the street right we can do it on a micro level or a macro level and neither one is better than the other.
Sure, I it’s yeah it’s the 99, or the one and, and I and yes absolutely not making the material wealth, your idol and I do have to say just because of, we need to identify privilege where it is that people, many people who
are I’ll use your example
serve as mission presidents, find themselves in the financial situation to be able to do that sort of thing, and serve that way, are born into it, or inherited or whatever the case is there is, you know, that that’s something needs to be identified as privilege and,
yes, and they have to be able to live years without well with a passive income or something that, that,
that allows them to serve that
allows them to serve full time So not every person can do that right.
And I do want to say just to give encouragement to anyone out there who might be like, Oh my gosh, you guys are talking out of your room, like you have no idea what you’re talking about, because I can barely make ends meet. And again I’m just here to say, I’m here for you. I understand and there were many many times when I would be studying the scriptures and have to say, okay, but I can’t feed the hungry. But I can’t clothe the naked and then realized that the people I was doing that for are my own kids,
and that’s not insignificant nope that’s not at all. Some, absolutely not.
Um, I think we may stop here just because of time we’ve gone way over, or did you want to you want to say another thing that you’re barely getting started.
Oh, geez.
Like I said, this could continue.
I don’t know I think at least we have to hit on chapter three a little bit right with well the end of chapter two talking about. This was not the grosser of the crimes that Jacob was actually talking to the people about at the temple. Obviously, chastity and having more than one wife, and all of that. So, I don’t know this is a hot topic for one Miss Jenny die so you tell me how far you want to go into this you
start talking and I will just respond if you want me to. I just.
Alright guys, here we go, buckle in.
You know, I think the, I think, when all is said and done for me this chapter and even the chapters that follow when he goes up to the temple, and he has to talk to all the people whether this is kind of a mini General Conference because women are there as well as children, and he feels bad that he has to pierce their hearts with the things he has to say
to women and children. Excuse me,
right, to not the women and chill Yeah, right, to them but but but they are there in attendance what I’m saying, Yeah, yeah, I just did I misspeak,
and I thought you said, the women are there the children are there any needed to pierced their hearts.
Well he hated to pierce their hearts that he wished he didn’t have to talk in front of them about the things that I see what you’re saying right the wickedness the abominations of their husbands verse, 31 and chapter two. But at the end of the day. You know what they’re doing, you know, basically, I think for me what’s important to is, we see the correlation I think a little bit between riches and lasciviousness, I think sometimes when you hit that area of privilege as you mentioned, sometimes you think you again you hit that privilege state, you think the rules don’t apply to you. Sure, whatever those are right. And one of those could be within the laws of chastity and doing those things so we notice a lot of people, you know, again this pride cycle that we hear about in the book of mormon all the time, they’re they’re obviously getting to the point where they need to be reprimanded for the things that they’re doing the things that they’re not doing. And that’s just where it gets a little bit crazy now, Jacob does talk about Solomon, he does talk about David. He talks about them being allowed more than one life. I don’t know if you want to talk about that but you know it says in this is Jacob chapter two verse. 23 I think is. But the Word of God burdens me because of your grocery crimes, Thus saith the LORD this people begin to wax in iniquity, for they seek to excuse themselves and committing courtrooms because of the things which were written according written concerning David and Solomon his son,
oh what is 24 say
the whole David and Solomon truly had many wives and concubines which thing was abominable before me, say it the Lord. Now, now, now, Now, what we learn about in the Old Testament, Solomon, from what I’ve heard, and I can’t remember where I heard this this past week had 700 wives and 300 concubines, what do you even come on guys what what is going on there. That, that is a little extreme, or maybe a lot extreme, but he brings up the fact he says in verse 28 for I the LORD God delight in the chesty of women. I think the period could be after chastity right, not just in women but but in men as well. In verse 30 says For if I will say it the LORD of hosts raise up seed unto me, I will command my people, otherwise they shall Harken into these things. So,
let me ask you a question.
This could be an interesting answer that I get out of this.
Now you’re pulling this is my job what I do.
So, do you believe.
If you think and we talked about this this morning.
The, the future of a society of a subgroup is often determined by the number of individuals that can perpetuate that culture. Right, regardless of a religion, an ethnic minority, or majority in any subgroup needs to have people constituent that constituents in that group that create that group that believe in a certain way that act in a certain way that do something. We know that early on in the church. We were persecuted, we were pushed out of everywhere we were, we came over to Utah. Could there have been a need to, again, as he says here raise up seed unto the Lord, so that things could happen the way they have. So that we didn’t. Eventually, just end up extinct extinct.
So you’re saying, We’re not acquiring people by getting them to join us let’s create our own.
Well, even if you look at today the number of and we talked about this this morning
as we did where I said stop saying seed, their people.
I didn’t say seed. I know you. For the record, but, but if you look at convert baptisms versus versus baptisms within the covenant. That is an interesting thing to look at. Because, are we, converting as many people to keep this thing going as we are having children within the covenant and if you think about what’s happening now with all of Jana Reese’s, you know, research looking into things, and maybe the attrition of some of the millennials and Gen Z ears, and just following the, the trends of of that age group to the demographics in general not just within the church to
not marry or marry later and yet fewer if any children.
Yes, yes. So all of that.
Again. Yeah, I just leave that open, I, and maybe you don’t want to answer it.
No, I shall answer. I’ll answer, and here’s how I’ll answer. I’ll go to the scriptures. Um,
Yeah, okay.
You said for either Lord God, this is in verse 28 fry the Lord God delight in the chastity of women and he said he could probably just add the chastity, but I’m going to say, of when.
Just like the scripture say because
down in verse 31 he says For behold I the Lord, have seen the sorrow and heard the morning of the daughters. My people in the land of Jerusalem me, and all the ones my people. Because of the wickedness and abominations of their husbands. And I will not this is verse 32 and I will not suffer, saith the LORD of hosts that the cries of the fair Daughters of this, this people, which I have led out of the land of Jerusalem shall come up unto me against the men of my people, saith the LORD of hosts for they shall not lead away captive the daughters of my people because of their tenderness. Save I shall visit them with a sore code curse, even unto destruction, for they shall not commit hoard them like unto them old, saith the LORD of hosts. So when he says, like unto them of old is he talking about polygamy is when chastity is not about virtue as much as it is just the absence of sexual relations outside of marriage, not even outside necessarily of your own marriage, but. So whether he’s referring to men assaulting women, or I would even say if the, from what I do know, which is not a lot about polygamy, but about the effect of polygamy at least in this dispensation and within our culture, sorrow, absolutely.
The cries and the pain.
Yes, that is a thing, and so do I think, like do I think it was necessary me know, to kind of paraphrase, a friend, something a friend of mine said earlier this week, I just don’t think that’s how heaven works. I just don’t. It’s much more, it’s a much more complex situation than we have time for in this recording, but just from what we’ve read here. No, I’m not for it. I think that chastity. You know the Lord delights in the chastity of women and I think that he’s saying that, so that the men will stop putting the women in a situation where they aren’t considered chaste and again what I mean by that is just not to put them in a situation to, to have sexual relations. When they don’t want to win they would cry out in pain or be sorrowful or anything violating their tenderness and I want to be clear that that is not a reflection of virtue.
Yeah, and that’s a great point, because, you know, the physicality of whatever those relations are, and whatever they look like that’s one thing. Another thing is, how does it. If it debases the individual if they feel like they are one of many. If they don’t matter to that other person.
If you’re one of 700, what
yeah what is that
that’s not how it works.
That’s, that’s interesting isn’t it interesting to think about if it debases the individual. I mean debauchery is one thing but debasing the individual and taking away the person and looking upon the person as a thing. I think that’s where the key piece comes in for me it’s. Anyway, an object. Yes, it’s an object. Yes,
and not love and not the.
Yeah, not what Jesus would do. Okay,
all right, heavy stuff here go.
So, anyway.
So Jacob chapter three, how did you want to go there.
Go ahead, man. I just was
okay we’re gonna let Jenny’s taking some deep breaths into a paper bag over here. My
watch is telling me I need to breathe. Okay, watch knows my heart rate.
We love our watches. Okay. But, you know, I think, you know, in chapter three. You know this is interesting, he discusses laminate righteousness exceeds that of the neophytes and, you know, for what it’s worth that probably means something at that point. He also, obviously warns against further lasciviousness, and and fornication and other things. Now in chapter four though this is, this is quite a great chapter I thought I thought there was a lot of good content here and I know we’re far gone almost 40 minutes into this and we want to let people go here pretty quick but in verse 10 He says, Seek, not to counsel the Lord but to take counsel from his hand. You know there’s a lot of deep thoughts there but, how many times do we actually seek to counsel the Lord, we think we know better,
like give me money and I’ll give it away.
Yeah, maybe that just just drop it. And I’ll be good with it. So I don’t know if the other thing that I wanted to mention is, is verse six, I’ll go back to verse six. I think this is one of the best chapters actually in these for the best verses in these four chapters, because it’s so deep. Jacob says, Wherefore We searched the prophets. And we have many revelations and the Spirit of Prophecy and having all these witnesses, we obtain a hope. So oftentimes we notice, even in these first few chapters that we’re in in the Book of Mormon Nephi and Jacob hearken back to previous prophets, whether it’s Moses, whether it’s others in the Scriptures, Abraham, and they look to them for their faith for the stories of faith. Now we have those scripturally we also have those in our family. We have testimony meeting every fast Sunday to gain, and gather strength from others stories. So, we, we, having all these witnesses we obtained a hope, and our faith become unshaken in so much that we can truly, we truly can command in the name of Jesus, and the very trees obey us or the mountains or the waves of the sea, interesting to me the power of stories in giving us not only faith but hope, which leads to power, and I consider that priesthood power, which allows us to do things that are needed, and it’s just interesting to me to see all this layer upon one another. Thank you.
Okay, he’s still doing okay yes I am is your app done having a brief.
No. Okay.
thank you for that. I wouldn’t have picked up on that I’m glad you shared that.
And then the last thing in chapter four that I’ll just mention briefly that that really caught my attention this time is in verse 14 says the Jews were stiff naked people and they despise the words of plainness. Now we know. In the last lesson at the end of second Nephi Nephi gloried and plainness, and we know that there are so many good things that come from being plain and being clear and being transparent, but he says they despise the words of plainness and killed the prophets and sought for things that they could not understand. Were for because of their blindness which blindness came by looking beyond the mark. They must needs fall. So, again, how many times do we look beyond the mark. How many times do we have that brazen serpent serpent lifted up in the wilderness all we have to do is look, and we look beyond the mark we’re looking into the mysteries of the gospel we’re looking for things that are beyond a simple, you know, name and going to cleanse himself of leprosy by literally just going and washing himself. Seven times in the river, it was too easy. He’s like what is this I’m not gonna do this that. That’s stupid. How often do we look at things which are simple the Lord sees sees these things as simple and we look beyond the mark. Somebody once told me that the fourth article of faith really has all we need to master in this life, to do what we need to do in, in, in all of eternity which is faith repentance, baptism gift to the Holy Ghost if it sounds simple obviously there’s multiple layers there but, gosh, how many times do we look beyond the mark and we make it harder than it needs to be.
Every day,
every time,
every day.
Well, thank you.
Okay, Miss Jenny Do you want to wrap this thing
up. Yeah, just, you know what, thank you so much for all your thoughts I appreciate your preparation and your consideration and all these, all these things that we have to study and, you know, get ready for this week. Everyone, thank you so much for joining us extra thank you to those of you who are Patreon supporters, we really, really appreciate your support, we’d love to hear your thoughts. If you have any feedback about this. Just let us know and
I think we’ll get a lot about polygamy maybe,
oh please glass it’s my favorite favorite thing to talk about you brought that up that’s kind of a lightning rod
so tell us what you think we’d love to hear your thoughts. Oh my
gosh. We really would love to hear your thoughts and we would, it’s, you know, okay.
It’s something yeah we have to we have to face the hard topics right, yes. This is a tough one in church history and people fall all across the spectrum on this and some people. Some people get upset saying that it’s an eternal principle and I’m not sure exactly where that is doctrinally. I haven’t seen it, but anyway.
As for me in my house, it is not. And, you know, again, people can disagree with me.
As for me and my house we will serve as monogamists,
is that we you very much. I appreciate that. Okay, I love you. Well, have a great week everyone and we’d love to hear from you. We will talk to you again, whenever we feel like.
Bye everyone. Have a good week well.