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What does it mean to forsake “the fountain of living waters”? | Jeremiah 2; 7
#ComeFollowMe nugget Jeremiah 2; 7“𝚃𝚑𝚎𝚢 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚜𝚊𝚔𝚎𝚗 𝚖𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚏𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝𝚊𝚒𝚗 𝚘𝚏 𝚕𝚒𝚟𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚠𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚜” In the arid region where the Israelites lived, people stored precious water in underground reservoirs called cisterns.…
COME, FOLLOW ME LESSON AIDS: March 30–April 12 “He Shall Rise … with Healing in His Wings” Easter #GeneralConference
CLICK HERE to join our official Come Follow Me Facebook group! Official Lessons (lesson materials from Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families Come, Follow Me—For Sunday School Come,…
COME, FOLLOW ME LESSON AIDS: February 24–March 1 “A Marvelous Work and a Wonder” 2 Nephi 26-30
2 Nephi 26: Christ will minister to the Nephites—Nephi foresees the destruction of his people—They will speak from the dust—The Gentiles will build up false churches and secret combinations—The Lord forbids men to practice priestcrafts. About 559–545 B.C.
2 Nephi 27: Darkness and apostasy will cover the earth in the last days—The Book of Mormon will come forth—Three witnesses will testify of the book—The learned man will say he cannot read the sealed book—The Lord will do a marvelous work and a wonder—Compare Isaiah 29. About 559–545 B.C.
2 Nephi 28: Many false churches will be built up in the last days—They will teach false, vain, and foolish doctrines—Apostasy will abound because of false teachers—The devil will rage in the hearts of men—He will teach all manner of false doctrines. About 559–545 B.C.
2 Nephi 29: Many Gentiles will reject the Book of Mormon—They will say, We need no more Bible—The Lord speaks to many nations—He will judge the world out of the books which will be written. About 559–545 B.C.
2 Nephi 30: Converted Gentiles will be numbered with the covenant people—Many Lamanites and Jews will believe the word and become delightsome—Israel will be restored and the wicked destroyed. About 559–545 B.C.
MEME: Come Follow Me: “I Will Prepare the Way before You” with the Mandalorian and The Child (Baby Yoda)
The Mandalorian and The Child are here to help with this week’s Come, Follow Me lesson.
COME, FOLLOW ME LESSON AIDS: February 3–9 “We Lived after the Manner of Happiness” 2 Nephi 1-5
2 Nephi 1: Lehi prophesies of a land of liberty—His seed will be scattered and smitten if they reject the Holy One of Israel—He exhorts his sons to put on the armor of righteousness. About 588–570 B.C.
2 Nephi 2: Redemption comes through the Holy Messiah—Freedom of choice (agency) is essential to existence and progression—Adam fell that men might be—Men are free to choose liberty and eternal life. About 588–570 B.C.
2 Nephi 3: Joseph in Egypt saw the Nephites in vision—He prophesied of Joseph Smith, the latter-day seer; of Moses, who would deliver Israel; and of the coming forth of the Book of Mormon. About 588–570 B.C.
2 Nephi 4: Lehi counsels and blesses his posterity—He dies and is buried—Nephi glories in the goodness of God—Nephi puts his trust in the Lord forever. About 588–570 B.C.
2 Nephi 5: The Nephites separate themselves from the Lamanites, keep the law of Moses, and build a temple—Because of their unbelief, the Lamanites are cut off from the presence of the Lord, are cursed, and become a scourge unto the Nephites. About 588–559 B.C.
COME, FOLLOW ME LESSON AIDS: January 20–26 “Armed with Righteousness and with the Power of God” 1 Nephi 11-15
1 Nephi 11: Nephi sees the Spirit of the Lord and is shown in vision the tree of life—He sees the mother of the Son of God and learns of the condescension of God—He sees the baptism, ministry, and crucifixion of the Lamb of God—He sees also the call and ministry of the Twelve Apostles of the Lamb. About 600–592 B.C.
1 Nephi 12: Nephi sees in vision the land of promise; the righteousness, iniquity, and downfall of its inhabitants; the coming of the Lamb of God among them; how the Twelve Disciples and the Twelve Apostles will judge Israel; and the loathsome and filthy state of those who dwindle in unbelief. About 600–592 B.C.
1 Nephi 13: Nephi sees in vision the church of the devil set up among the Gentiles, the discovery and colonizing of America, the loss of many plain and precious parts of the Bible, the resultant state of gentile apostasy, the restoration of the gospel, the coming forth of latter-day scripture, and the building up of Zion. About 600–592 B.C.
1 Nephi 14: An angel tells Nephi of the blessings and cursings to fall upon the Gentiles—There are only two churches: the Church of the Lamb of God and the church of the devil—The Saints of God in all nations are persecuted by the great and abominable church—The Apostle John will write concerning the end of the world. About 600–592 B.C.
1 Nephi 15: Lehi’s seed are to receive the gospel from the Gentiles in the latter days—The gathering of Israel is likened unto an olive tree whose natural branches will be grafted in again—Nephi interprets the vision of the tree of life and speaks of the justice of God in dividing the wicked from the righteous. About 600–592 B.C.
COME, FOLLOW ME LESSON AIDS: Book of Mormon Lesson 3: January 13–19 “Come and Partake of the Fruit” 1 Nephi 8-10
1 Nephi 8: Lehi sees a vision of the tree of life—He partakes of its fruit and desires his family to do likewise—He sees a rod of iron, a strait and narrow path, and the mists of darkness that enshroud men—Sariah, Nephi, and Sam partake of the fruit, but Laman and Lemuel refuse. About 600–592 B.C.
1 Nephi 9: Nephi makes two sets of records—Each is called the plates of Nephi—The larger plates contain a secular history; the smaller ones deal primarily with sacred things. About 600–592 B.C.
1 Nephi 10: Lehi predicts that the Jews will be taken captive by the Babylonians—He tells of the coming among the Jews of a Messiah, a Savior, a Redeemer—Lehi tells also of the coming of the one who should baptize the Lamb of God—Lehi tells of the death and resurrection of the Messiah—He compares the scattering and gathering of Israel to an olive tree—Nephi speaks of the Son of God, of the gift of the Holy Ghost, and of the need for righteousness. About 600–592 B.C.
COME, FOLLOW ME LESSON AIDS: December 2–8 1–3 John; Jude “God Is Love”
1 John 1: The Saints gain fellowship with God by obedience—We must confess our sins to gain forgiveness.
1 John 2: Christ is our Advocate with the Father—We know God by obedience—Love not the world—Anti-Christs will come in the last days.
1 John 3: The sons of God will become like Christ—Love for others is required to gain eternal life—Obedience ensures us an answer to our prayers.
1 John 4: Try the spirits—God is love and dwells in those who love Him.
1 John 5: Saints are born of God through belief in Christ—Water, blood, and the Spirit testify of Christ—Belief in Christ is required in order to gain eternal life.
2 John: John rejoices because the children of the elect lady are true and faithful.
3 John: John commends Gaius for his help to those who love the truth.
Jude: Contend for the faith—Some angels kept not their first estate—Michael disputed about the body of Moses—Enoch prophesied of the Second Coming—Mockers will come in the last days.