VIDEO: Drew Barrymore praises Giving Machines on her show, says she plans to visit with family members | The Drew Barrymore Show

VIDEO: Drew Barrymore praises Giving Machines on her show, says she plans to visit with family members | The Drew Barrymore Show

  1. FREE #LightTheWorld with Love backgrounds for virtual meetings
  2. #GivingTuesday and the Giving Machines help Kansas City to #LightTheWorld!
  3. #GivingTuesday moment | Orem Giving Machines make a tender moment for one family . . .
  4. Don’t live near a Giving Machine but want to donate? Here’s how . . .
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  6. VIDEO: Drew Barrymore praises Giving Machines on her show, says she plans to visit with family members | The Drew Barrymore Show
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Giving Machines, meet The Drew Barrymore Show!

Barrymore discussed the Giving Machines, specifically the ones in New York City’s Rockefeller Center, with special guest Ross Mathews.

She described them as “a vending machine that lets you buy something to help other citizens either locally or across the globe.”

“I’ve always wanted philanthropy to be easier and more accessible for people,” Barrymore said.

She said she’s making plans to visit them with her two daughters, Olive and Frankie. “I’m gonna go to Rockefeller Center and go with the girls,” she said.

Would You Bring Your Parents on Your Honeymoon? | Drew’s News – powered by Happy Scribe

It is time for Drew’s News.

Your mini. Good news, marshmallows floating in that hot news cocoa. And with me at the desk is my little marshmallow. Rosie Ross Nephi. Hi, there.

Oh, cocoa. Sounds good.

How about those mini marshmallows, too? They’re so little.

Itty bitty ones. I know.

All right, well, speaking of sweets, it’s Cookie week. I know.


And today we’re celebrating with some special creations from Funny Face Bakery right here in the city. They’re America’s first pop culture bakery. Pop culture bakery. Yeah, I love this pop culture bakery. Adele cookies, Kevin from home alone. Cookies the full cast of Seinfeld cookies. And they make custom cookies, too. Check these out.

Okay. Right here. Jew, we haven’t seen these yet. Right in front of you. These are cookies of us. What? Yes, but we haven’t seen. So. Three, two. Look.

I have to say, I’m like, Hi.

Hold on.


You are a very attractive cookie. I have to say, are you going to do it? Let me see that’s adorable. Well done.

Okay, first up, we’ve got huge movie news. Channing Tatum just posted this to Twitter. It’s a script for you guessed it a Brandt new Magic mic. You know, that amazing. Kindly brought to the silver screen in Vegas. And there’s, like a reality show. And now there’s going to be a third installment. Variety reports that the third o and final Magic Mike movie is coming to HBO. Max, wait a minute.

I know.

Why don’t do that farewell thing to me.

Why you got to stop making that? I already got my tickets for this one. You guys. Are you kidding? Just keep making them. I don’t care if you have Magic Mike. Aarp. Okay, I’m showing up. Okay. Are you going to buy tickets to this new Magic mic?

I like that Steven Suderberg, the amazing director who did Aaron Brockovich and, oh, my God. And the first Magic Mike and the very first magic mic that he collaborated with Channing Tatum. He’s just the most talented filmmaker. So they’re going to do it together again and gosh. I hope the whole cast shows up. I’m in.

Yeah, I just hope that Cookie Week doesn’t ruin my chance of getting a part in this new Magic Mike movie. Next up, another woman who does things her own way. Paris Hilton. She just got married. Congratulations to Paris.

Fun fact, I actually am making something very special for her for her wedding. It’s in the works. It’ll be there soon. Paris for real. Yeah, we knew each other when we were kids.

Can you tell us what it is? You tell us after you send it, or is it like.

I figured I should probably wait. So that it’s a surprise for her, but it’s being engraved right now. I’m so happy for her.

I’m so happy for her, too. Well, this is really interesting. The cut reports that Paris and her new husband, Carter Reim. They recently went on their honeymoon to Bora Bora, which sounds amazing. Amazing. But they brought the whole Hilton family with them. Paris, mom and dad, Cathy and Rick were there on their honeymoon. Plus, her brothers were there, and her sister in law was there, and her niece was there on your honeymoon. Okay. I’m happy for you. All that. You’re all that close. I think that’s really cute.

I just want to say I’m planning my wedding right now. And unless you’re saying I do, you don’t get to come on the honeymoon.

Okay. Clap of hands. Who would take family or in laws on a honeymoon?

Thank you.

Wow. That was the reasoning. Clap of hands. Who would not take family or in London? Do you know what’s so funny is I did not really have family growing up, so it’s so novel to me. I think I would be totally open to it.

You are that girl. You would totally invite family.

Also, they’re making a show. There might be that aspect involved. I don’t know, though.

Well, someone was filming my honeymoon then. Yeah. Bring it on. Send the check. Come on. I just feel like I just put the whole wedding on. You had the chicken or the fish. Remember, the DJ was there. I’ve done enough for you. Now I get the honeymoon.

Well, Maz will talk to them being that close.


Well, next, we have a beautiful story about making giving back even easier. The Good News Network reports that Rockefeller Center just got its first giving machine. It’s a vending machine that lets you buy something to help other citizens, either locally or across the globe. And there’s ten of these across the US States like Arizona, Utah, Tennessee, Hawaii. Get the full list for around the country capabilities on our website at the drewberrymarshow. Com. And this is so interesting. Inside the vending machine, you can buy everything from gloves and socks to chickens and goats for people, which is very important for food bartering.

You name it polio vaccines for kids, Passover meals. It’s beautifully curated, elegantly designed, and is just something for everyone all around the planet. And I’m very happy to see something like this taking place.

It’s beautiful. And they raised millions and millions of dollars worth of things for people. My dad would tell a story when he was growing up. He was really poor growing up, and they didn’t have Christmas. And on Christmas Eve, the Church showed up with some presence. And every Christmas, he would talk about what that meant. And anybody who’s ever been in need. I didn’t grow up wealthy either. We know what this means when you can’t provide for yourself. The fact that we can come together as humanity when we need it most.

This is brilliant. Thank you for making this.

Sometimes you don’t exactly know where to go or what to do. And these machines have generated $6.2 million in revenue and gifts for people. And they help groups like UNICEF the Actors Fund, the UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency. I’ve always wanted philanthropy to be easier and more accessible for people. I’m going to go to Rockefeller Center and go with the girls and the fact that this is around the country, too, and not just in coastal of cities, but like all over the place.

More and more and more well done, you all.

Would You Bring Your Parents on Your Honeymoon? | Drew's News
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