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Listen to all the President Nelson talks before Conference!


Richard K. Miller did an awesome thing we wanted to share.

In October 2018, Bishop Dean M. Davies said, β€œIn recent months, I have listened to every general conference address which President Nelson has given since he was first called as an Apostle. This exercise has changed my life.”

I’ve decided I want to do this β€” listen to every talk from President Nelson since he was called as an apostle.

If you want to follow along, here’s a podcast I created which will publish one talk per day from President Nelson starting today. It begins in April 1984, with President Nelson giving his first talk as an apostle, and includes talks from General Conference, BYU and BYU-Idaho devotionals, CES Firesides, Christmas devotionals, and others.

There are options below to listen to one, two, or three talks per day. If you listen to three per day, you’ll finish all 116 talks in time for the October General Conference, just six weeks away.

One Talk Per Day

Open in Apple Podcasts on your phone,oropen in iTunes on your computer,or copy this URL into your favorite podcast app:

Two Talks Per Day

Open in Apple Podcasts on your phone,oropen in iTunes on your computer,or copy this URL into your favorite podcast app:

Three Talks Per Day

Open in Apple Podcasts on your phone,oropen in iTunes on your computer,or copy this URL into your favorite podcast app:

I compiled these talks from churchofjesuschrist.org, byu.edu, byui.edu, and a few others fromBen Crowder’s excellent list.


Dnews confsunam.cit
LDS Church President Russell M. Nelson speaks during the morning session of the 188th Annual General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints at the Conference Center in Salt Lake City on Sunday, April 1, 2018.
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