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How Mormon social media superstar Shaun McBride turned his innovative Snapchat drawings into internet celebrity?

Shaun McBride turned his innovative Snapchat drawings into internet celebrity. How did his fame catapult so quickly, and is he ready to take his creative energy to real world brick and mortar?

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Social media superstar Shaun McBride turned his innovative Snapchat drawings into internet celebrity. How did his fame catapult so quickly, and is he ready to take his creative energy to real world brick and mortar?

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Posted by The New Creatives on Thursday, June 22, 2017






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1 comment
  1. My daughter loves watching Adley and the family on YouTube. And I don’t mind that she loves watching it at all. What I’m curious about is why you announce Sean McBride religion. Is he getting paid by the church just like he’s getting paid by everyone else to advertise their products? Seems to me that’s the case. And just so you know, I am a baptized Mormon….Almost 42 years. I already know the answer to this question. At least, I’m 99% sure I know the answer. If you have something to say to convince me otherwise, I would love to hear it.…I researched his name because I watch him all the time with my daughter. I see no reason why an article about someone’s success would announce their religion

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