Come Follow Me LDS 2021 D&C 67-70 (June 21-27) (Doctrine and Covenants) – Revelation Roller Coaster – powered by Happy Scribe
In a period of two weeks, Joseph receives eight revelations that are completely out of chronological order in the doctrine and covenants in order of the date received. We start in Section 66, received on October 29th. We ease back to 65, up to 68, then rocket backwards to the preface in Section one jet forward to sixty seven before suddenly blasting all the way forward to 133 for the appendix of the book with cracking back to 69 and finally ending up in Section 70 received on November 12th.
Who exhausting. This is going to be fun. In November 1831, Joseph Emma and their adopted twins moved from Kirtland to the John Johnson Farm in Hyrum, Ohio. Now, John was a wealthy farmer who, along with his wife, Elsa, had a beautiful home. They were about the same age as Joseph’s parents. So even though they had nine children, most of them were already married and living on their own. So their large home had plenty of room for Joseph’s family and for working with Sidney Rigdon on the Inspire translation of the Bible.
They even built a Bowery in the front yard so the profit could preach from the front porch. The Elsa and John Johnson family was converted after the Prophet miraculously healed else’s arm. And in Section 68, the Johnson sons, Luke and Lyman, are called to serve a mission. Luke, with his brother in law, Orson Hide and Lyman with William McClellan. They’re commanded to go into all the world and preach to every creature. How would you like that to be your mission, Paul?
Well, maybe not. Those creatures, they were very faithful missionaries. And a few years later, in 1835, all four were called to be original members of the Quorum of the Twelve, with 23 year old Lyman ordained as the very first apostle in this dispensation now in the Johnson home. Joseph received a total of 17 revelations and held several important conferences since many members wanted to read and study all of Joseph’s important revelations from the Lord during one of these conferences.
They debated whether or not they should be published. Some argued that the revelations shouldn’t be published because many were sensitive or potentially embarrassing, while others might cause too much Zion fever fever. And the Missouri locals might not like that idea. And frankly, some folks were really embarrassed that the revelations came through. Joseph, who had plain farmer grammar woe. In Section 67, the Lord issued a challenge appoint the most wise among you and see if he shall make a revelation that is likened to these.
Well, several thought William McClellan was the wisest in the room, so he accepted the Lord’s challenge. William, William, William. Don’t forget the leads and doubts. Once written, the others eagerly read William’s manuscript. And wow, it’s clear that something is missing. Sure, it’s filled with fragrant, flowery language, but it didn’t have the divine spirit of the Lord. It’s clear it’s of man and not of God. The Lord then addressed the fears of those who worried about the content of the revelations, saying that the revelations were given to his servants in their weakness after the manner of their language humbled all of the elders declare their willingness to testify to the world that the revelations are from the Lord and should be published.
To learn more of that exciting story, watch the video for Section one, where three elders try to write the preface of the book before turning to the Lord for much needed help. Now, racing forward to Section 69, Oliver Cowdery and John Wittmer, who are called to be stewards of the revelations and commandments, are directed to carry the manuscript and the cash for printing the books hundreds of miles to Missouri, where W.W. Phelps runs the church printing press.
Interestingly, if you remember, Oliver was the first scribe and historian until he left on a mission. Then John was given that calling. Unfortunately, John was a less than ideal church historian. He didn’t write very much, and when he did, he kept messing up, recording the proper dates, which is one of the reasons we’re jumping forward and backward all over right now. On this trip to independence, the Lord Council’s John to receive more training from Oliver, which certainly must have led to some very interesting conversations as they traveled for two months through the cold and snow together.
It may have gone something like, John, why don’t you write more like I did, Oliver? I just keep forgetting, you know, I’m not good at remembering dates and my hands are so cold. Jumping back to Section 68, the Lord gives parents a commandment to teach their children truth. So to make this more fun. Consider this parable. Maybe it sounds familiar. Once upon a time, there were three little pigs each of their parents taught and prepare them for the world.
However, the parents of the first two little pigs hadn’t taught them about faith, repentance or baptism. But the third little pigs parents taught her about the gospel, how to pray and how to make and keep covenants with God. Well, after each of the pigs settled into their lives, the big bad Satan Wolf, came with his huffing and puffing and blew down the first little pigs house and then blew down the second little pigs house. The pigs in their chinny chin.
Chins ran away while the wolf just laughed. Their horses fell pretty easily because they weren’t grounded in truth. Now, when the wolf came to the third little pigs house, he hopped and he puffed. And he sent Hale and whirlwinds for years it while it shook and shuddered a little. It didn’t blow away. Why? Because her parents helped her build her home on a firm, unshakable foundation. Next time, we’ll learn about two of the most amazing early saints.
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