Come Follow Me LDS 2021 D&C 124 (Oct 25-31) (Doctrine and Covenants) – A Multiplicity of Blessings – powered by Happy Scribe
Living in swampland along the Mississippi River, many of the Saints were suffering from malaria because of all the mosquitoes.
Attending to the sick, the Prophet also became infected, but after several days in bed, dragged himself out out and began healing others.
Starting at home, he commanded the sick in the name of Jesus Christ to be made whole, and the power of God rested upon him. And they were healed.
Traveling from house to house and tent to tent, he was joined by other Church leaders. He’d revived and with God’s power, they healed the sick along the way. It was a day of miracles and rejoicing.
It’s January 1841, and Saints are now settled in several cities on both sides of the Mississippi River, but primarily in Navu, Illinois. It had been nearly two years since revelations had been recorded in the Doctrine and Covenants, but the Saints had been busy draining swamps, building houses and turning Navu into a beautiful city during this time of relative peace. The longest revelation in the Doctrine and Covenants was received section 124, filled with a multiplicity of promised blessings for the obedient. In it, the Lord commands a temple to be built in and begins teaching Joseph about new temple ordinances.
Apart from those done previously in the Kirkland Temple, build a house to my name for the most high to dwell therein, and I will show unto my servant Joseph all things pertaining to this house and the priesthood thereof.
Then the Lord mentions anointings washings baptisms for the dead and endowments. The Saints are totally stoked to build this temple on top of a Hill where everyone can see it. What a blessing it is today that the NABU Temple has been rebuilt for us to continue doing this sacred work now because of worries, stress, cold and malaria, Joseph Smith SR. Languished on his deathbed with his family, gathered close by, Joseph Lovingly, teaches his parents about the new doctrine of baptism for the dead and joyfully, declares that the Smith’s oldest son, Alvin, who had passed away before the Church was restored, could now have that saving ordinance done for him.
Father Smith and his wife, Lucy, tearfully rejoiced with the family because religious teachings at the time taught that without baptism Alvin couldn’t be saved.
But now they knew he could. The Prophet’s Father then blesses each member of his family before peacefully passing away. He whispers, I see Alvin. I see Alvin.
Months later, the Lord comforts the Prophet by saying that his father is in heaven and sitth with Abraham at his right hand and blessed and Holy is he for he is mine.
Hiram Smith is then called as the Church patriarch to take his father’s place. Now Hiram is truly one of the great heroes of the early Church, gladly standing in the shadow of his younger brother to support him in restoring the Kingdom of God to Earth. It isn’t easy when everyone wants to meet and talk to your younger brother. But he’d stood by Joseph’s side through every trial, including Liberty, jail, and will remain with him to the bitter end. Because of this faithfulness, the Lord promised great blessings to Hiram in section 124.
Blessed is my servant Hiram Smith, for I the Lord love him because of the integrity of his heart, and because he Loveth that which is right before me. And from this time forth I appoint unto him that he may be a Prophet and a seer and a Revelator unto my Church, as well as my servant Joseph. Wow, talk about a multiplicity of blessings. Finally, in verse 49, the Lord comforts us, as he says, when I give a commandment to any of the sons of men to do a work unto my name, and they go with all their might and all they have to perform that work and cease not their diligence and their enemies hinder them from performing that work.
Behold, I require it no more but accept of their offerings.
So if we’ve given our best, the Lord accepts our efforts. What a comforting doctrine we need to move forward without guilt. Knowing God still loves us and is always ready to quickly forgive us. This is great news since some of those who had left the Church in Kirtland and Missouri began repenting and coming back just like our loved ones today, who may step away for a while, so don’t look back in fear. Look forward in faith.
Next time we’ll learn about the founding of one of the largest women’s organizations on Earth. It takes a lot to make these videos so to keep line upon line free for everyone, consider donating the links in the description below and thanks for watching. This episode is packed with info so you might want to watch it again to make sure you didn’t miss anything, including the hilarious jokes. If you feel this video has helped you on your path towards truth, truth and Christian Discipleship, please subscribe and share.
Most importantly, Go read the Scriptures for yourself.