An entire month about Jesus! (Saints Unscripted)

An entire month about Jesus! (Saints Unscripted)

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An entire month about Jesus! – powered by Happy Scribe

Make a list of things that you want to do to change and to grow closer to Christ in the New Year New Year’s resolutions. There you go.

Hey, everybody, welcome back to scripted.Saints Unscripted

It’s just me today. Obviously.

I think the last last time I was alone for our unscripted main show was during my testimony or my conversion story episode.

And somebody in the comments section said, this is better if you watch it at double the speed. And I saw that and I was like, yeah, that makes sense. So this time I have notes, so I don’t talk too slowly. But this is a really short episode because I just wanted to come on here and give you a little introduction to our December schedule for the show. December Christmas month is Jesus Month.

All of our episodes on the main show and in the faith and belief segment are going to be in one way or another about Jesus. So you have that to look forward to. I’ve got a list of some of the guests we’re having this month. We’ve got Brooke Snow, we’ve got Jim Faulkner, we’ve got Gail Boyd, we’ve got Pastor Logan. I was in that episode.

That’s going to be a great episode when that comes out, talking about forgiveness, we’ve got Dennis Schleicher, we’ve got Liz Mongren, Jeff Benyon and others when it comes to what we’re going to be talking about this month, we’re going to be talking about, of course, Jesus. But we’re going to be talking about how trials can bring us closer to Jesus. We’re going to talk about latterday staffs. As far as the atonement goes, we are going to be talking about who Jesus is to Jews and Latter day Saints.

I imagine that will be Gail Boyd’s episode.

She has Jewish heritage. We’re going to be talking about forgiveness. We’re going to be talking about what we know about Jesus because of the restoration of the gospel. We’re going to be talking about Jesus and the women in his life. And we are going to be talking about what Jesus means for children, among other things.

In the faith and belief segment, we’re going to be getting into some of the history of the Palestine area in Christ’s time, some of the geography, some of the political history going to give some context to Christ’s era. We’re going to be talking about Pharisees and Sadducees, and we’re talking about Gethsemane and what else are we going to talk about? I can’t remember some of the other episodes we have for that, but it’s five episodes in December. It’ll be great anyway. So December Jesus Month, if you are looking to grow your relationship with Jesus Christ, as you come into these episodes, a couple of things you can do.

Come on in and watch these episodes with an open mind. Come on in, hoping to learn something new. Feel free to record your thoughts and impressions for each episode and share those with your friends. Share the videos if you want to or not whatever you feel like doing and then make goals and create. Make a list of things that you want to do to change and to grow closer to Christ in the New Year New Year’s resolution.

There you go. That would be a great idea. Anyway, we’re excited to be talking about Jesus Christ this next month. He is my savior. I believe that he was real, that he is real, that he is resurrected.

He is our savior. He is the Messiah. He saved us from our sins. And it’s going to be a real pleasure talking about him this month. So we’ll see you there.

Have a good one. Bye.

An entire month about Jesus!
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