1st Ever Mormon Life Hacker Live Hangout – Dec ’12


On Sunday evening we held the first ever MLH live video Hangout on Google+. We used the “Hangouts on Air” feature which live-streamed the hangout for anyone to watch, on YouTube. It also recorded it, and it’s now available on my personal YouTube channel (haven’t figured out how to do it yet). View it here:

We’re going to try these once a month. We’ll do our best to keep them to 30 min. We’ll review the life-hacks posted on MLH over the past month, and discuss some things that might not be on the site.

External Sites:

MLH Articles:

Let us know what you think, as well as things you’d like us to do in future hangouts, in the comments.

  1. Hi,
    Just watched your “google hangout” and loved it! I LOVE Mormon Life Hacker, and I wish there was a way I could make our leaders use it!!! I am old, and not very savvy, but I enjoy reading and learning about “hacks” that make life easier!

    I really enjoyed listening to all of you, and especially enjoyed the man (can’t remember his name) with the Family Search Wiki. I am my wards Family History Consultant, and sometimes (all the time) feel like we are called, then left to blow in the wind. I have been on the Wiki, but I need to learn more about it so I can tell my class (I teach a Family History Sunday class) more ways to help them with their research!

    I am grateful for the time you spend putting this online, and the time spent writing Mormon Life Hacker. I send articles to my children all the time! Please continue, and remember that some of us aren’t tech savvy, but really enjoy simple things to do with our smart phones, and I love hearing about other websites and Mormons who share their ideas with us!

    Now I’m off to check on all those external links you’ve posted! Have a great day!

  2. Wow, thank you Tamra. It’s so encouraging, motivating, and helpful to get such positive feedback. Thanks so much. Glad you enjoyed it. We’re going to try and do just 1 per month. So look for the next one in mid-Jan.

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