After visiting the actual Walden, I read Thoreau’s book of the same name, in which he says, “To a philosopher, all news, as it is called, is gossip, and they…
Because the temple is a sacred topic, we Mormons often hesitate to discuss it. But sometimes that means we neglect one of the most important parts of the gospel. Just…
THE PROBLEM AND THE SOLUTION You can install an internet filter on your family computer. But that’s not going to affect your kid’s iPod. Or your exchange student’s tablet. Or…
I originally posted this on my personal blog ( ), but I’m cross-posting here because I know many of you will be interested. A couple weeks ago, I signed up…
These make me excited—like I’m risking my life on an adventure with Robert Langdon (the hero of The DaVinci Code) and the ancient secret we’re after lies hidden beneath…
Here’s how we’ve organized our Elders Quorum: We have a Google Sites site, and it links to all the important documents people might need. After the home page, we have…
A picture’s worth a thousand words. But I’ll throw in a few words to boot, just for good measure. Did you find this helpful? Have any similar tricks or ideas?…