VIDEO: Arm In Arm | President Russell M. Nelson and Reverend Amos C. Brown

VIDEO: Arm In Arm | President Russell M. Nelson and Reverend Amos C. Brown

As protests and race riots erupted across the nation, the Church News staff reflected on interviews conducted last July during the 110th annual convention of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People in Detroit, Michigan. Although spoken almost one year ago, the words of President Russell M. Nelson and the Reverend Amos C. Brown, pastor of the Third Baptist Church of San Francisco, are more meaningful today. They are highlighted in a new Church News video called, “Arm in Arm.”

As protests and race riots erupted across the nation, the Church News staff reflected on interviews conducted last July during the 110th annual convention of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People in Detroit, Michigan. Although spoken almost one year ago, the words of President Russell M. Nelson and the Reverend Amos C. Brown, pastor of the Third Baptist Church of San Francisco, are more meaningful today. They are highlighted in a new Church News video called, “Arm in Arm.”


“There’s too much division in our nation — too much incivility, disrespect,” said Reverend Brown. “God didn’t ordain it that we would be about superficial ideas and attitudes, that if we don’t learn to live together as brothers and sisters, as my teacher Martin Luther King so eloquently said, ‘We will all perish as fools.’ We need each other. We should not turn on each other in these difficult times. We should turn to each other.”


President Nelson echoed Reverend Brown’s words.


“We truly believe that we are brothers and sisters, all part of the same divine family,” he said.  “Simply stated, we strive to build bridges of cooperation rather than walls of segregation. Black and white, bond and free, male and female — all are alike unto God.


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