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Studio C’s Mallory Everton frankly discusses beauty and health with BEAUTY REDEFINED

Beauty Redefined, a non-profit organization created to help people recognize and reject harmful messages about beauty and health, recently featured a post by Mallory Everton of Studio C

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Beauty Redefined, a non-profit organization created to help people recognize and reject harmful messages about beauty and health, recently featured a post by Mallory Everton of Studio C.

MormonWiki has more information about Beauty Redefined:

Lindsay Kite, and her twin sister Lexie Kite, created Beauty Redefined after undergraduate and graduate studies in the field of media influences on body image resonated with them and their own struggles with body image and self-objectification. They earned their bachelor’s degrees from Utah State University and their master’s and PhD degrees from the University of Utah. Lindsay’s dissertation focused on physical health and the ways media distort our perceptions of what health and fitness entail, and ways to help people of all ages recognize and reject those harmful messages. Media literacy and changing perceptions of what makes a woman beautiful has become their life’s work.

Lindsay Kite remembers becoming aware of one of her body’s flaws when she was in third grade. She identifies that awareness as the moment when her appearance started to creep to the forefront of her thoughts, and then monopolized her life throughout high school.

Lindsay notes that her adolescent idea that the only way to attain happiness, success, popularity, and love came from the media and not from any real-life experiences or messages from her family or church. Lindsay is a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. She says that the Church has a “focus on serving others, taking care of each other and loving God” that taught her there is “no room for competition and preoccupation with appearance.”[1]

A college media criticism class that she took during her freshman year opened her eyes to the ways the media sets the standards for what it means to be successful or worthwhile. It was a moment when she said to herself, “Yes, this has affected me, but I don’t have to be affected by it anymore.”[2]

Lindsay and Lexie travel throughout the United States presenting their message of true beauty and positive body image at universities, high schools, professional conferences, and church congregations. They teach through their website and social media. They work to both raise awareness of the issue and to help people overcome the profit-driven media stereotypes that limit their ability to develop their full potential.

Beauty Redefined’s post about Mallory contains the following text:


Mallory Everton of Studio C is a wise, hilarious woman, and after she hit up one of our speaking events and then Instagrammed about it, we were in love!
She captured our one-hour presentation in an awesome caption.
In her own words:
“I went to a great event for Beauty Redefined and walked out bursting with gratitude for my entire body, none of which pertained to how I look. In my line of work, you might think I’d be valued for my skills as a writer or comedian, but honestly, the most common thing I hear is ‘I love your hair!’ There’s nothing wrong with that, but sometimes it’s discouraged me, made me wonder if I wasn’t as funny as the boys because I was receiving feedback about my appearance (positive and negative) while they were being told they were hilarious. And I’ve often noticed that even our body-positive comments on social media fall short a lot of the time. So I’m not gonna do that thing where I say “Hey, even though I’ve got wrinkles and cellulite and no thigh gap, I’m still beautiful! We’re all beautiful!” Because if I said that, no matter how nice and self-esteemy it might seem, I’D STILL BE TALKING ABOUT HOW I LOOKED. Don’t look at me, listen to me. GIRLS: I will never tell you that you’re all beautiful because you’re MORE THAN BEAUTIFUL. We are instruments (for innovation, creativity, adventure), not objects. Seriously, check out Beauty Redefined. These are super smart women debunking an empire of agist, sexist, racist, shame-inducing ‘beauty’ culture and they mean business.” 

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