Embracing our imperfections can help us increase our relationship with the Savior. βAs children of God, we should not demean or vilify ourselves, as if beating up on ourselves is somehow going to make us the person God wants us to becomeβ (Elder Jeffrey R. Holland, general conference, Oct. 2017).
The purpose of life is to grow and learnβnot to avoid ever making a mistake. Weaknesses play an important role in our eternal progression.
Consider these truths:
Imperfections turn our hearts toward Christ. If we had no weaknesses, how would we ever understand the power of Christ to help us overcome them?
Imperfections help us progress. If something isnβt challenging, then it doesnβt have the power to change us.
Weaknesses can become strengths. Among the most joyful truths of Christβs mission is that His sacrifice gives us spiritual power we canβt attain in any other way.
As you strive to overcome your weaknesses, be compassionate with yourself. Overcoming imperfections requires spiritual work and faith in the Savior. It is a process that can help you draw closer to Christ and become more like God.