Elder Gerrit W. Gong of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and Sister Susan Gong spoke at a worldwide devotional for young adults on January 10, 2021. Elder Gong shared three invitations that will help anyone become more valiant in their testimony of Christ.

Do you know a single adult willing to share their experience? (Leading Saints)


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Leading Saints and Faith Matters are currently in the process of creating the Single Saints Virtual Summit, which is a virtual conference to help Latter-day Saints better understand the complexities of being a single adult in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

They are looking for single adults with unique or faithful perspective to share regarding their experience as a single adult in the church. They would love to capture their experience in a 5-10 minute video that we can share with the summit audience.

The summit audience includes a lot of leaders who want to gain a deeper understanding of experiences that are different than their own.

They would love to have you submit an experience, so this is how it works.

  1. Send this email to a single adult you know (if that is you, then keep reading and/or feel free to share it with other single adults you know)
  2. Record a simple video with your smartphone (selfie style works) that is at least 5 minutes but no longer than 10 minutes.
    • Make sure you have good lighting on your face
    • Start by introducing yourself and then share your experience
    • If it helps you can start with a phrase like, “What I wish my leaders knew about being a single adult is…”
    • Short stories are helpful but try to avoid soap boxes or calling out specific individuals who acted in a disappointing way
    • We want to make these as positive and faith promoting as possible while still highlighting the complexities of being a single adult in our faith community.
  3. Once your video is recorded there is no need to edit the video (we can help with that). Just upload the file to your favorite cloud service and send us the link. If you need any help with this process please let us know.

All video submissions must be in by September 11, 2021.

Feel free to email kurt@leadingsaints.org with any questions.


Kurt Francom
Executive Director
Leading Saints

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