formerly phread dyejo LDS Mormon Life Hacker formerly phread

Sharing (Mother’s Day Edition)—formerly phread

Mother’s Day isn’t easy for a lot of people for a lot of reasons, many centered on expectations. For me, it’s been a day when a huge mirror is placed in front of me, forcing me to see what I’m doing. It hasn’t ever felt like a healthy evaluation, but more of an imposed critique while being forced to listen to stories of Angel Mothers Who Never Raised Their Voices and stuff like that.
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Use Evernote & Online Resources for Powerful Scripture Study

If you’re not completely satisfied with the Church’s new online scripture study tools, we’ve got a great new way for you to study online. Aaron Goodwin keeps a blog entitled You Should Be! and recently wrote about how he studies his scriptures. He’s got some amazing tips on everything from the tools he uses to the way he sets up his screen.
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