It ends on November 30th, and everyone who backs the kickstarter within the first 48 hours will receive a special early bird price! We have also heard there will be discounts for people who order more than one journal.
Why we like it
The Loom Journal is a tool for intentional parents to connect with their children. The three moms behind @loomjournals spent a year researching journaling to create a simple, powerful journaling tradition for parents and children.
The Loom Journal is a prompted parent-child journal. There are places to document memories and milestones, free-writing pages, and creative writing and drawing pages. There are places to review the good and hard parts of your day, to write affirmations, to list what you’re grateful for, to make goals, and a lot more.
The design is absolutely beautiful Many journals are designed with clearly feminine elements and are catered to girls and women. The Loom Journal is beautifully but neutrally designed so it can be used for a boy or girl with his or her father or mother.
We have some autistic children, so we know children with special needs can have a hard time opening up about their experiences and feelings verbally. The Loom Journal creates a safe, contemplative place to communicate, connect, and express themselves freely.
Also, in an age of digital distraction, the Loom Journal Encourages screen-free connection. It’s a place to practice actual handwriting, when so much writing is done on tablets, computers, and phones.
Who will benefit the most?
The Loom Journal can be used for parents and children of any age, but children ages 5-16 might get the most out of it.