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Why Elder Bednar says there are ‘no small temples’ in new Church News video | Church News

Why Elder David A. Bednar says there are ‘no small temples’ in new Church News video

“I don’t think we talk nearly as much about the covenants and ordinances. And I don’t think we should even talk about the covenants and ordinances separate from and apart from the Savior,” Elder Bednar said.

Preserve and sustain moral agency, Elder Christofferson tells BYU graduates

“Work hard to preserve and wisely exercise your own moral agency, and work equally hard to preserve and provide that same blessing of moral agency to others,” Elder Christofferson said.

Gospel Library app’s new ward-based experiences get members ‘on the same page’

Two weeks’ notice of conference talks gives “opportunity to study those, listen to those, talk about those” for Relief Society and elders quorum lessons.

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The new temple recommend interview questions: What exactly has changed?

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