Hey my name is Sister McConnell, and I’m Sister Webb, and we’re full time missionaries for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
This weekend we received counsel and instructions from our church leaders including a man named Russell and Nelson, Russell M. Nelson is a prophet of God and a leader of our church in response to the global Covid-19 pandemic, he called for a worldwide day of fasting, everyone regardless of religious belief or denomination is invited to participate in this worldwide fast.
But what is fasting?
Fasting is done for the purpose of demonstrating our faith and God’s power to deliver us from the burdens and trials we face in this life too fast means to go without food or water for a period of 24 hours or two meals, start and end with a prayer to God asking for his blessing and help his health conditions don’t permit you to fast food or water and alternative sacrifice can be made.
What specifically should we fast for?
President Nelson’s invitation to unite together and fast as a human family is for four distinct purposes including, for the pandemic to be controlled caregivers to be protected the economy to be strengthened and life to be normalized.
The worldwide fast will be held on Good Friday April 10. Despite our differences, let us unite our faith in fasting and prayer as we invite all our family and friends to join us in this historic opportunity.
Join us April 10, and share this video to invite others to join us too. If you have any questions message us or visit