Jesus gif Come Unto Christ: What Are the Beatitudes?

#HearHim: In 2022, make a new kind of resolution—a resolution to follow Jesus Christ


In 2022, make a new kind of resolution—a resolution to follow Jesus Christ. As you strive to hear Him, you can connect with the Spirit and build your relationship with Heavenly Father.

See how you can hear Him this year:

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VIDEO: The first witness of the Living Christ, Mary Magdalene (Messages of Christ)

Early on Sunday morning, before the sun began to rise, Mary Magdalene came to the tomb to finish a painful task, the burial of her beloved Lord and Master. The pain and agony she must have felt as she mourned the Savior’s death is beyond comprehension. As one of the Lord’s most faithful and devoted followers, Christ’s appearance to Mary that Easter morn, places her as the first witness of the resurrection! Knowing Jesus was willing to reveal himself first to her, gives us all hope that we too can testify of the Savior’s divinity no matter who we are!
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