Published on Apr 7, 2017
Hope you enjoy this mashup of an original Christian song and Onward Christian Soldiers!
It was created for the LDS church’s Easter initiative. #PrinceOfPeace
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Lead vocals, concept, direction: Monica Moore Smith
Audio production: Becky Willard @ Vox Fox Studios…
Video production: RJ Idos @ Idos Media…
Location assistants: Samson & Caleb Smith @ BroAntics…
BTS Video Production: Alison Moore Smith
Thanks to BYU, my alma mater, for permission to film on campus!
Christian Soldiers:
Kiersten Boyd
Stephanie Boyd
Kelli Dougal
Chris Edward Garcia
Ludovica Angelica Giusti
Megan Graves
Alena Hanamaikai
Samuel Hepworth
McKenna Hunter
Sadie Hunter
Brianna Juarez
Richard Olsen
Andrew I. Owen
Olivia Ramey
Jayk Speth
Jordan Steinagel
By Stephanie Boyd, Tanya Hanamaikai
Ancient prophets wrote of a future
Visions of a war fought with words
They saw us enlisted for the Master
Our message cutting deeper than the sword
We are enlisted through faith in our Father
We wear His armor
We speak his voice, we share his truth
Even when our numbers are few
And in return, He makes us strong
As we march toward the dawn of His reign
And we fight on our knees when we pray
In this time the toughest battles rage
In the silent chambers of our souls
Standing with friends who choose His way
Our Savior proves to us we’re not alone
We are enlisted through faith in our Father
We wear His armor
We speak his voice, we share his truth
Even when our numbers are few
And in return, He makes us strong
As we march toward the dawn of His reign
And we fight on our knees when we pray
Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war,
With the cross of Jesus going on before.
Christ, the royal Master, leads against the foe;
Forward into battle see his banners go!
Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war,
With the cross of Jesus going on before.
We speak his voice, we share his truth
Even when our numbers are few
And in return, He makes us strong
As we march toward the dawn of His reign
And we fight on our knees when we pray
We speak his voice, we share his truth
Even when our numbers are few
And in return, He makes us strong
As we march toward the dawn of His reign
And we fight on our knees when we pray
I know God hears my prayers and I’m grateful I will get to see Him again one day. #PrinceofPeace
If this song moved you in any way, please share it so others can feel God’s love. Follow us and subscribe for more beautiful music!
Instagram: @kelseymarieedwards
Loki’s YouTube:
Loki’s Instagram: @ajlokialohikea
Loki’s Facebook:
Download the song:
Song arrangement and production – Loki Alohikea and Kelsey Edwards
Video production – Josh Contor, Colten Ashley, Casey Wilson, Dexter Gross, Brady Edwards, Loki Alohikea and Kelsey Edwards
Video editing – Kelsey Edwards and Loki Alohikea
Location – Wallaroo Media (Brandon Doyle, Kade Hendershot, Brooke Porter)
Thanks to everyone who helped us make this video! We hope it helps you draw closer to the Savior.