Use LyricScanner to Find Out if a Song is Appropriate


We all get words in songs wrong. We think we hear words that are not the actual words. Depending on the style of music or artist, it can be nearly impossible to know for sure. So sometimes it’s not easy to tell if a song is appropriate or not.

Maybe you’re trying to help your kids choose appropriate music, or perhaps you want to avoid listening to stuff that’s not appropriate for children, or maybe you’re in charge of picking the playlist for a stake dance, or maybe you just want to keep your mind and spirit free from those things as much as possible? Whatever the reason, LyricScanner is a great tool to help you find out if a song is appropriate or not. It’s not as great as VidAngel that actually removes the bad parts, based on your preferences, but it will at least tell you if there’s bad words, sex, violence, or drug use in the song.

All you do is put in the artist name and song title into their search, and it spits out a rating of various aspects of the song that might be objectionable. Here’s how you use it:

Now if the overarching message of a song is negative, but it’s more implied than spoken in the words, LyricScanner may not be able to catch it. So you’ll still want to listen to the actual song or review the lyrics (there’s a link in the results of the scan) if it doesn’t pick up on anything.

I see LyricScanner as hugely helpful to people or committees compiling playlists for stake dances, or just generally for us all to be more selective in what we listen to. How will you use it?

Big thanks to Devin who pointed this out to us on our VidAngel review.


LyricScanner is a tool that allows users to search for lyrics to a specific song and analyze the content of those lyrics. This can be useful for determining whether or not a song has lyrics that are bad or inappropriate.

One of the main benefits of using LyricScanner is that it allows users to easily search for lyrics to a specific song. This is particularly useful for those who may be unfamiliar with a song and want to know more about the lyrics before listening to it. By searching for lyrics on LyricScanner, users can quickly and easily access the lyrics to a song and read through them to get a sense of the content.

Another benefit of using LyricScanner is that it allows users to analyze the lyrics of a song in order to determine if they are bad or inappropriate. This can be done by searching for specific keywords or phrases within the lyrics and analyzing the context in which they are used. For example, if a song contains lyrics that are violent or sexually explicit, it may be considered bad or inappropriate.

Additionally, LyricScanner allows users to filter the search results by lyrics age appropriateness and language. This can be very useful in finding lyrics that are appropriate for all ages, or lyrics that are suitable for a particular age group. For example, if you are looking for a song that is suitable for children, you can filter the search results to show only songs with lyrics that are appropriate for children.

Furthermore, LyricScanner allows users to view lyrics for songs in multiple languages. This can be useful for those who are learning a new language and want to practice their listening and reading skills. With LyricScanner, users can search for lyrics in a specific language and read through them to get a sense of the content.

In conclusion, LyricScanner is a valuable tool for those who want to find out if a song has lyrics that are bad or inappropriate. It allows users to easily search for lyrics to a specific song, analyze the content of those lyrics, filter the search results by age appropriateness and language, and view lyrics for songs in multiple languages. This can be very useful for parents, educators, and music enthusiasts who want to ensure that the songs they listen to are appropriate and suitable for their needs.

  1. I love this service! As a mother of an 11 year old and fitness instructor for older adults…this is perfect for me. I am always worrying about the possibility of inappropriate content chiming in and have the task of listening to every song before adding it to my lists. Still, it can be tough at times to understand what the words are. How incredibly helpful! Thank you so much for posting this.

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