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Reflections on how I felt when I attended the new Temple Endowment


My wife wrote “Sometimes a true thing can become more true. It’s one of the things I love most.” ❤️

I’ll add my thoughts.
-Never have I been more proud to be a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

-Never have I had a stronger testimony of continuing inspiration and revelation—the Gospel is being restored (present progressive for you grammar geeks like me).

-Never have I felt the power of words more viscerally. Words matter.

-Perhaps most important, never have I felt more happy, satisfied, and peaceful to look at my wife and see tears of joy slowly rolling down her face.

Validation? Sense of worth? Help me. What other words describe how you feel? Please comment below!

What started in that grove of trees and was officially organized in 1830 was just the beginning. It continues.
And for that I am thankful.


Recently, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints released a new series of videos providing an overview of the temple endowment, why it is important to members of the Church, and how it points to Jesus Christ.

The video below also highlights some of the symbolism in the temple ceremonies and different areas of the temple.



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On the Mormon News Report, Brandt and Jenny debrief on their first week of 2 hour church, look at the consolidation of missions (including one near-and-dear to Brandt), and examine the 116th Congress (and the Mormons within). Finally, they break down the changes that happened within Latter-day Saint temples, the timeline, how to discuss these things, the implications for gender equality, and where do we go from here.

Oh, and Jenny wrote a blog post about it too!

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