, in partnership with Rasmussen Reports—one of America’s most respected polling survey firms—is releasing the results of a new national survey. Results were from surveys conducted June 16th thru June 17th of 1,000 likely voters.
“This research affirms that the American people overwhelmingly support the continued protection of the Constitutional right of freedom of religion, and oppose policies requiring churches and faith-based charities and organizations to compromise their deeply-held religious beliefs”, said Dr. Jeff Myers of “Yet, leaders in Washington, DC are aggressively pushing forward on legislative measures such as the mislabeled Equality Act, which specifically strips away religious freedom protections. In an era of hyper-partisanship, freedom of religion retains broad, bi-partisan support among Democrats, Republicans, and Independents.”
The complete link to the data can be found HERE!
KEY INSIGHT: Overwhelming Majority of American Say Freedom of Religion is Important to a Healthy American Society.
- 67% of Americans say freedom of religion is very important to a healthy American society
- 15% of Americans say freedom of religion is somewhat important to a healthy American society
- 5% of Americans say freedom of religion is not very important to a healthy American society
- 4% of Americans say freedom of religion is not at all important to a healthy American society
- 9% of Americans say they are not sure
KEY INSIGHT: Broad Bipartisan Majority Say Freedom of Religion is Important to a Healthy Society
- 86% of Republicans say freedom of religion is very important or somewhat importantto a healthy American society
- 83% of Independents say freedom of religion is very important or somewhat important to a healthy American society
- 79% of Democrats say freedom of religion is very important or somewhat important to a healthy American society
KEY INSIGHT: Only 20% of Americans Say Churches and Faith-Based Charities Should be Required by Law to Hire People Who Oppose Their Religious Beliefs
- 50% of Americans say churches and faith-based charities should not be required by law to hire people who oppose their religious beliefs
- 20% of Americans say churches and faith-based charities should be required by law to hire people who oppose their religious beliefs
- 30% of Americans are not sure
KEY INSIGHT: Bipartisan Support for Not Requiring by Law that Churches and Faith-Based Charities to Hire People Who Oppose Their Religious Beliefs
- 60% of Republican voters say churches and faith-based charities should not be required by law to hire people who oppose their religious beliefs, 14% say they should be legally required
- 54% of Independent voters say churches and faith-based charities should not be required by law to hire people who oppose their religious beliefs, 16% say they should be legally required
- 37% of Democrat voters say churches and faith-based charities should not be required by law to hire people who oppose their religious beliefs, 28% say they should be legally required