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The Mormon Channel has a great new show that should be right up all you Mormon life-hacker’s alley. It’s called Tech Savvy. On it they discuss all kinds of ways to use technology in LDS life. Each episode has a theme, but so far they’ve been very broad, so there’s many great little tips and tricks within each. It’s filmed and available in video, but for the most part you won’t miss anything if you just listen to the audio (which I do while I work).
Hostess Elisa Scharton has conversations around the various tech topics with guests like Jay McFarland from KSL’s “The Browser” (a local radio show all about what’s new popular on the web). From these conversations you can learn about all kinds of stuff from how to implement tech in parenting, to blogging, to app creation. They’re interesting and enjoyable, even if I sometimes feel like there is some newer, better tech available. So, go check it out. Great show.
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1 comment
Thanks for pointing this out. Someone mentioned it to me, but I forgot about it.