Use Google Alerts to get Latest Church News


Want to know what’s going on with the Church or members of the Church in the news? Head on over to Google Alerts. With Google Alerts you can enter in search terms that Google will use to scour news and blogs all over the world for articles relating to the Church. Just type in “LDS”, “Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints”, or “Mormon.” Google will give you news updates anytime something is posted with that keyword. Pretty nifty. Requires a Google email account.

  1. Unfortunately, this doesn’t get much of the LDS news that is out there — because the vast majority of stories about Mormons and much of the stories about Mormonism don’t mention the words Mormon, LDS or Latter-day Saints.

  2. That’s a good advise. I hope my website will be noticed and somebody will visit it. I invested money, time and effort to come up with an LDS website of our local stake but only a couple of visitors gone through it. I even put a blog so that they can leave some messages, comments and suggestions or whatever they want to share to the public.
    In case you are curious about my site and our place:

  3. I have recently created a new site called “” on which members who don’t have their own personal blog can post their testimonies and others can ask questions to the members themselves.

    I was wondering if I could get any promotion on your site either through a post or by adding me to your link library. Any help in spreading the word about this site would be great. Thanks and good luck in everything!

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