Mormon music Find almost any LDS musician on this site!


mormon-music is a valuable resource if you are looking for clean, wholesome, edifying, and uplifting music.

It is also a valuable resource for learning more about the LDS artists who are behind the music.

In short, on, you can listen to and download free audio tracks; create free playlists; learn about artists who are Mormon (LDS); access artists’ websites and blogs; watch music videos; create your own “favorites” list of albums, artists, or videos; get updates on tour dates; and find out about up-and-coming LDS artists.

There is a lot of musical talent in the Mormon Community. Some of the artists behind the talent are well known, such as David ArchuletaAlex BoyéBYU Vocal PointDonny Osmond, and Imagine Dragons to name a few. However, there are a lot of LDS musicians that very few people, including Mormons, know anything about. Artists such as Caleb SpjuteScott & RyceejoYahosh BonnerSugar Sop, and Spark Singers are perhaps new names to some, but they, too, are making their mark in the music world.




The Mormon Music bio pages give a brief introduction into the life of the people behind the music. Each page includes a link to the artist’s website, links to their social media channels so you can follow their musical journey, and some of their music tracks or videos you can enjoy for free. The list of artists is continually growing. And if you know about LDS musicians that should be added, you can suggest an addition.

Check out the news feed and video find of the week to learn what LDS musicians are up to. And don’t miss the downloads page that has free music in 11 languages.

The website has been up and running for almost three years. Keith Lionel Brown is the lead writer and manager, and is always in pursuit of finding ways to promote the website and its social media channels. “To date, we have more than 6,700 Facebook followers and more than 6,800 page likes. One of our articles was shared on the Duty to God: Latest News & Inspiration for Latter-Day Saints Facebook page on 8 March 2018 and our articles are shared regularly on Facebook pages such as Sunday Sounds.”

Mormon Music can be found on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Google+, YouTube, Pinterest, and Spotify.

  1. im looking for contact info for lds musician wanda lindstrom. or if any can provide me with thelirics of her son ‘where have you been all my life”

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