Manti temple Rose Datoc Dall

Manti Temple Open House | 2024 | Rose Datoc Dall | Artist


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The video captures a conversation between three individuals at the Manti Temple during a special Media Day tour.

Jenny Dye introduces her guests, Rose Datoc Dall and Tim Dahl. Rose expresses her deep connection to the temple’s murals and the craftsmanship involved in creating them, leading her to appreciate the significance of temples and the dedication behind their construction.

As a female artist, Rose feels a profound sense of reverence and love for God and Jesus through the temple experience. She acknowledges the attention to detail and the labor of love put into temple construction by artisans. Jenny appreciates Rose’s perspective as a woman in the arts, emphasizing the expression of love for Jesus Christ through artistic endeavors.

Tim reflects on the unique progression within the temple rooms, symbolizing ascension and physical movement that he perceives as significant. He contrasts this with modern temples that lack the same physical progression. The intentional design of the Manti Temple’s layout adds depth to the spiritual experience, encouraging visitors to make the journey to witness its historical and architectural uniqueness.

Rose highlights the historical significance of the Manti Temple, built in 1888, and the sacrifices made by pioneers who dedicated themselves to its construction despite their impoverished circumstances. She emphasizes the spiritual atmosphere within the temple and the importance of performing ordinances on behalf of ancestors, underscoring the temple’s role in connecting past and present generations.

The concept of family sealing in the temple is emphasized by Tim, who recognizes the opportunity for families to be together in the celestial room during temple visits. He encourages families, especially those with young children, to take advantage of this special experience.

The video concludes with an invitation to attend the temple’s open house, emphasizing the dates and extending gratitude to the guests for their insights and contributions to the artistic and spiritual communities.

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This is Jenny Dye. We’re here at the Manti Temple, where we were just able to take a special tour. I’m here with these guests who I know, but I would like for you both to introduce yourselves, please.

My name is Rose Datoc Dall.

And Tim Dahl.

You are related? Yes. By marriage? You’re married. Okay, great. Great. Okay.

And so you both were here at the Manti Temple today for the special Media Day tour. What are your thoughts?

As a female artist, I felt really connected with them. I felt an appreciation for what they did and the murals. And we don’t often see those beautiful murals in every temple. To see those temples really, really hit me. They were beautiful creations that I just felt in complete reverence and a love for God and Jesus. It was really a beautiful experience. I really felt fed today. Just being in the temple and learning more about it, I really came to appreciate not only this temple, but I think temples in general. I think so often we walk by details in the temple without a thought, and now it makes me more cognizant of what really goes into the temple and the dedication that the artisans and the people who build these temples, put into these temples because they love God.

Yeah. Thank you very much. I really do appreciate your perspective as a woman in the arts who has a special connection to what it means to express yourself in an artistic format or many, where what we’re focusing on is the love of Jesus Christ in a number of aspects. What are your thoughts about what we learned today about those details and how they point us to Jesus Christ?

Well, I’ve been through a number of temples, and I think what is a little bit unique about this is as you progress from room to room through the training sessions, that you take a step up. You go up a few steps as you move to each room. That’s maybe something we lose a little bit in some of the more modern temples where we stay pretty much in the same room for the endowment session. You lose a few things that the pioneers had that we don’t have because they actually physically had to get up and move and progress from room to room.

Yeah, right. That ascension, that physical ascension is really something that is really intentional. What is it about this temple? Why you think someone should make the drive from wherever they are to Manti to tour or attend this temple?

Sure. For one thing, the history behind this temple, you just don’t have the same history in most temples. It’s unique. And how often do you get to walk into a building that was built in 1888? And because the murals are unique, and that’s a part of our history in the church. And if you really want to visit both a historic place, come to the open house and to learn about our church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and to learn about what we why we even go to temples, and you will see the sacrifice of these pioneers who had nothing. You don’t get that these days because the way that we build temples are different in the church these days. But back in the pioneer times, these pioneers were living in poverty. They had nothing, but they gave everything. They consecrated everything to the building of the temple. That’s truly special, and I felt it. I felt it when I went into this building. I felt that special spirit that was in there. But more importantly, the work that goes on inside where we can do the work on a foreign behalf of those who’ve gone before.

It’s beautiful.

Absolutely. Well, I think the pinnacle ordinance in the temple is to be sealed as a family together. We’re a little bit older and our kids are older, so we’ve had the opportunity to go through the and be in the temple at the same time as our children. But for many of those with younger children, you don’t have many opportunities to be in the temple and in the celestial room with your young children. Especially those families with children, I’d encourage you to come out. It’s a wonderful opportunity.

I love it. Thank you both so much. And a special thank you to you, Rose, for your contributions to the art community and just carrying on this tradition of strong, smart female artists. Really appreciate you both. Thank you for this. Please come to the open house, Manti, Utah. The open house will be from March 14th to April 5.


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