Free online event to help you become the gospel teacher you have always wanted to be! Starting March 15
The Teaching Saints Virtual Summit starts March 15, so sign up for free and join us!
What You’ll Learn During the Summit
Brad Wilcox
BYU Professor, Author
- The secret to effectiveΒ teacher council meetings
- Getting pass the old teaching advice and encouraging all teachers to excel
- Sunday School is not sacrament meeting on a smaller scale!
- Β How ward teachers and auxiliaries can work together to make teaching work for your ward
- Β How to help students have an INSIDE-OUT experience and not an OUTSIDE-IN experience.
- Β Making object lessons EASY toΒ help retain the lesson in the minds of your students
- Β Step to allowing the spirit teach the lesson through object lessons
- Helping special needs students love Sunday SchoolΒ
- Β The 5 stages of teaching youth – AWESOME application for youth leaders
- Β Helping youth want to learn so everyone enjoyed the lesson.
Maria Eckersley
Dave Farnsworth
Business Consultant, Full-time Missionary
- Β Asking questions that stimulate discussion so you never wrestle with empty silence
- Β Trusting your students to contribute to a dynamic classroom discussion
- Β The secret to drawing out personal examples from your students
- Β Setting an effective classroom mindset that leads to successful dialogue
- Β Developing stories that solidify the lesson in the hearts of the students
- Β Effective classroom setup that stimulate deep learning and avoids distraction
- Β Discouraging cell phone distractions, especially for youth
- Β The secret to youth classroom setting to keep them focused on the lesson
- Β How to leverage the table, chalkboard, and chairs to stimulate participation and discussion
- Β How to identify the physical barriers that impede student learning
Jenny Smith
Blogger, Seminary Teacher
Casey Paul Griffiths
BYU Professor of Church History
- Β How to teach to different learning styles so nobody is left out of the lesson
- Β 3 tactics to help the teacher be prepared to teach and know the material
- Β The power of READINESS, PARTICIPATION, AND APPLICATIONΒ in formatting your lesson
- Β Creating a HOOK that will capture the attention of your class
- Β How to get your students to share their testimony with you and others
- Β Spiritually Feeding Yourself While Teaching Primary so you love your calling
- How to connecting with childrenΒ so they love Primary
- Β Easy ways to reach out to those who don’t attend class
Camille Gillham
Blogger at Chicken Scratch N Sniff