If you don’t know what GospeLink is, you’re missing out. It’s an online library of tons of LDS books and resources, plus many that are not explicitly LDS, but might be useful in your studies and research. Everything from the entire Journal of Discourses, to books by modern Apostles, to the works of Josephus and even Plato, are contained in the database. Plus, when you search GospeLink, it searches LDS.org, BYU.edu, and various other sites that contain LDS publications and resources.
They offer a free 30-day trial. So if you’re wanting to give it a shot for free, just head over and sign up. Or perhaps you’ll want to save your free trial for an upcoming project, or in-depth study, or pre-talk research. Also, if you attend a Church-owned college, you should have free access via any campus computer, or via the library website—with your student login and password—from your home computer.
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