Easter atonement Christ

Eric Huntsman: What’s So Good About Good Friday? | Faith Matters


As Latter-day Saints, we often say that we focus more on Jesus’ resurrection than on His death, and we consider the atonement in Gethsemane as the most sacred event in Jesus’ life. In this episode, we consider a question we don’t think about too often, stemming from this: why have we not cultivated more robust ways to celebrate Holy Week, and all the events leading up to Easter Sunday? Especially when we compare it to all that we do leading up to Christmas?
We sat down to talk with Eric Huntsman, a professor of ancient scripture at BYU and author of God So Loved the World: The Final Days of the Savior’s Life. Eric has done a lot of work as a scholar to understand the events of Holy Week leading up to Jesus’ death on the cross on Friday, his resurrected visitations on Sunday, and where, as Latter-day Saints, we might place the points of emphasis differently than other Christian denominations. His family has cultivated Easter traditions, complete with meals, activities, and scripture readings, to help them really feel and anticipate these events, and invite a deeper witness of the Savior. By getting more creative with our Holy Week traditions, Eric says we can connect ourselves more deeply with the rest of Christianity while immersing ourselves more fully in a scriptural journey.

We hope this episode inspires you to get more out Easter Weekend, which is coming up in just a few days. And for more on this topic, you can check out Eric’s book God So Loved the World at Deseret Book, Barnes & Noble, or Amazon.


Dressing the Wounds of Jesus
by Tyler Johnson


Stations of the Cross
An Easter Meditation
by Zachary Davis

Read or Watch Here

The Atonement of Love
by Samuel Brown


Good Friday
by Cecelia Proffit and Rachel Jardine


Life as Divine Alchemy
by Ari Coleman


Celebrating Holy Week
by Cecelia Proffit and Rachel Jardine


A Holy Week of Celebration
by Bob Rees


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