#StartingToday #ComeUntoChrist Starting Today

VIDEO: #StartingToday #ComeUntoChrist

#StartingToday​, we can restart, repent, and reevaluate everything in life because of the Atonement and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. If we hear Him, love Him, and follow Him, His teachings can reshape us, his redemption can rescue us, His Resurrection can reunite us, and His love can renew us – day after day. Visit ComeUntoChrist.org to learn more about how He can change your life.


A Preview to Easter 2021

Can you believe Easter is just a month away? We are looking forward to the opportunity to remember Him and celebrate the incredible joy that comes from knowing that Jesus Christ overcame death so we can too.


New Easter Theme: #StartingToday

Because of Jesus Christ, every day is a new opportunity to start again. This Easter, see how Jesus can change your life #StartingToday.

Invitation to Participate

We would like to extend a special invitation to you to participate in these daily prompts and share your experiences on social media during this upcoming Easter season. Your unique perspective is special and much-needed. By sharing your experiences of growing closer to the Savior, you can help reach friends of other faiths who may need to hear this important message of hope.

As part of Easter 2021, @ComeUntoChrist social media will be sharing many stories of growth and change from individuals around the world. Please be sure to tag @ComeUntoChrist and use the hashtag #StartingToday.

Easter Week Prompts

On Palm Sunday over 2,000 years ago, Jesus Christ entered Jerusalem during the final week of His mortal life. He spent the week healing and teaching His people. Like the people of Jerusalem, we too can take the opportunity to turn our hearts to Jesus Christ during the week leading up to Easter.

Daily prompts for Holy Week start tomorrow. We invite you to participate and would love your help in spreading these messages of hope and light to your followers. Please feel free to post about your experiences of becoming more like Him with #StartingToday.

Visit the Easter website to find more information about the daily prompts and download resources to share with friends.

Special Easter Video

Be on the lookout for a special Easter video premiering tomorrow. It’s a wonderful tribute to the Easter season, and we encourage you to share the video with your friends and followers.

Easter & General Conference Social Media Resources

This morning, @ComeUntoChrist social media released an updated #StartingToday Facebook profile frame. Feel free to add the frame to your Facebook profile—you can use it as a tool for starting conversations about what #StartingToday means to you. To access the frame on mobile, tap on your profile picture, select “Add Frame,” and search for the #StartingToday frame.

There are also some fun Instagram Story templates on the @ComeUntoChristaccount. Check them out!

With general conference just a week away, it’s a great time to start inviting your friends and followers to watch. The @ComeUntoChrist social accounts recently published a video that explains general conference in 60 seconds. We encourage you to share the video on your own platforms.

Sharing Stories of Light

As a reminder, @ComeUntoChrist social media will be sharing many stories of growth and change from individuals around the world. We would love to see some stories from our influencers who share light. If you choose to participate, please be sure to tag @ComeUntoChrist and use the hashtag #StartingToday.

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