Navigating Grief: The Power of Connection | Hope Works

VIDEO: Navigating Grief: The Power of Connection | Hope Works

How do you deal with grief? How do you comfort those who are grieving? Grief can make us question everything—our existence, our identity, even our path in life. You may feel abandoned, alone, powerless, pointless, forgotten, condemned, unmoored, or even nothing at all. How do you ignite hope when you’re in the midst of grief?
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Don’t try to follow all the Lord’s counsel at once

There are many things in our day to day, secular lives that we “ought” to do. Like putting the junk mail in the recycling bin instead of the trash can. Or opting for the salad over the meat lover’s pizza. But we often don’t do what we know we should. Why? Because we’re lazy? Maybe. But I think it’s mostly because we see these “suggestions” as optional– like “extra credit” in life. They are something to strive for when time permits, but not something so important we should bend over backward trying to make it work. Trying out all the little “suggestions” in life all at once is impossible, and we know it. So we accept the fact that we simply can’t lose 50 pounds and reduce our carbon footprint and double-pay our mortgage and get that promotion and spend more time with family and learn a new language and write that novel all at the same time. Not everything is worth the effort right now. We have to focus on what’s most important (provide for our families, etc) and then decide which “suggestions” we want to focus on with our remaining attention. In other words, when it comes to secular matters, we are realistic and we prioritize. But wait. We are faced with the same deluge of suggestions about the spiritual matters of our lives, too.
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Smooth smoothies

“Many Revelations Daily”

When is the last time you remember receiving revelation? If a reporter or a friend or one of your children were to ask you, what could you say? Has it been a few hours? Days? Years?
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