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20 posts
Al Fox Carraway on food storage: why it is easy to stock up now using
Al Carraway has always boldly proclaimed her belief in the Book of Mormon and the restored Gospel. Now, she is also sharing her thoughts on food storage!
Watch Mitt Romney explain why you should measure your life by the things that count the most to you
There’s more to life than money, promotion, and professional success. Listen to Mitt . . .
It’s Time to Simplify Your Life… Elder Lynn G. Robbins Said So!
A major theme of MLH has been simplifying. When we simplify we make room for the most important things in life. Discarding physical clutter helps us psychologically, but so can other…
New Online Tithing Available to All of the United States [updated]
UPDATE 3 Sept 2015: The church has released this to all of the US. To use it go to: Here’s the instructional video you’ll have the option to watch, the…
Pay Your Tithing Online with – Coming Soon!
A friend told me that the Church is piloting a new online payment site in their stake. This source heard it announced in church, then logged into his account…
You Need A Budget for Your Family Finances
YNAB stands for “You Need a Budget.” This should be an obvious goal for most Latter-day Saints, as we’re encouraged by the Church to make sure we have, and stick…
Republic Wireless Review: Cheapest Smartphone Family Plan
I originally posted this on my personal blog ( ), but I’m cross-posting here because I know many of you will be interested. A couple weeks ago, I signed up…
How To Remove the “Ads” From Your PayPal Account
If you want to send or receive money other than via check or cash, PayPal as become the go-to tool for it. This is mostly because it was the first…
Use ‘Amazon Mom’ to Automate & Save on Diapers & Family Essentials
I just stumbled across Amazon Mom the other day. No, Amazon Mom is not a super-warrior mother of other warrior women, it’s a program Amazon offer’s targeted at mothers or…
1st Ever Mormon Life Hacker Live Hangout – Dec ’12
On Sunday evening we held the first ever MLH live video Hangout on Google+. We used the “Hangouts on Air” feature which live-streamed the hangout for anyone to watch, on…