So, can the Book of Mormon Musical convert?
All you have to do is watch this video and read the Reddit string below, and you’ll get your answer!
The Book of Mormon Musical: My conversion – Guest speaker Tanner Hutchens.
Tanners Instagram: Tannerhutchens
Posted by Hi Five Live on Friday, August 11, 2017
The Book of Mormon Musical hits Salt Lake City (again)
What do you think of the Book of Mormon Musical?
It is back in Salt Lake City (as you can see in the video below), and the Church continues to be savvy in how they use the Musical to create dialogue about the Gospel through the play (see this post for example:
Should the Church shun the musical because it throws barbs and ridicules LDS beliefs, or should the Church leverage the opportunity? Tell us in the comments below!
NOTE: Special thanks to the HuffPo for the latest article on the musical hitting Salt Lake once again–
Posted by LDS S.M.I.L.E. on Sunday, August 6, 2017
[β]Lambinater 10 points
[β]thecookiemaker 12 points
[β]TheShannaBerry 6 points
[β]SuddenStorm1234 3 points
[β]TheShannaBerry [score hidden]
[β]boredcircuits [score hidden]
[β]mlkthrowaway [score hidden]
[β]kiralouisethe mormon bartender 1 point
[β]goonie615319 points
[β]dedinthewater20 points
[β]nikond750I’m a Mormon! 6 points
[β]slippyfeet14 points