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Being a single on when Valentine’s day rolls around is hard. During this time of year, the whole world focuses and judges everyone based on their relationship status. Many single Mormons earnestly seek temple marriage, yet we have been unable to find it. When Valentine’s Day arrives we often fall into the trap of becoming bitter. Yet Valentine’s Day should be a day of charity and love! Almost all the single Mormons I know hate Valentine’s Day, I used to hate it even. But we don’t need too! Instead of looking for the negative we can look for the good in Valentine’s Day!
Here are 3 ways single Mormons can learn to love Valentine’s day!
Read the full article here:
1: Remember, Being Single Does NOT Make You A Second-Class Mormon!
We live in a church that teaches the exaltation is a family matter. We understand and know that marriage is a requirement for exaltation. But there is often an untrue cultural undertone that if you are single then you are a second-class Mormon. That is simply not true, being single does not make you less of a child of God! Your Marital Status does NOT define your value in the Kingdom. There are many import and great things you can contribute as a Child of God!
“The sacred bonds of Church membership go far beyond marital status, age, or present circumstance. Your individual worth as a [son or] daughter of God transcends all.”
Ezra Taft Benson
“Life does not begin only upon marriage. There are important things for you to do right now.”
Ezra Taft Benson
Read the full article here:
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If worse comes to worst, at least you are better off than these guys . . .