Jordan river temple

ANNOUNCEMENT: “We are pleased to announce adjustments to the sacred ceremonial clothing worn only in the temple” (Adjustments in Temple Ceremonial Clothing)

The First Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has recently made adjustments to the clothing worn in temples.

The First Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has recently made adjustments to the clothing worn in temples.

The changes are geared to make the clothing more simple, comfortable, and cost-effective.

It should also enhance the temple experience for patrons.

This change, although salient, does not change or impact the sacred nature of the covenants made inside the temple.

Also, ceremonial clothing previously used may still be worn for temple worship.


The letter from the First Presidency announcing these changes can her found HERE (and the text is also below):

Dear Brothers and Sisters:

We are pleased to announce adjustments to the sacred ceremonial clothing worn only in the temple. These clothing adjustments do not change temple doctrine or symbolism but are designed to enhance members’ experience in the temple and make the ceremonial clothing easier to put on, care for, and afford.

If preferred, members may continue to use their current ceremonial clothing.It need not be replaced by the new style. For additional information, see “Improving Our Temple Experience” at or go to

We express our gratitude for members’ faithful efforts to worship in the temple. We know that regular attendance will bring increased joy and happiness.

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