A Date Night That Might Actually Change Your Life (or Help You Do It)


As I recently watched MLH contributor Kurt Francom interview Joseph Grenny (one of the authors of Change Anything: The New Science of Personal Success), I was amazed to realize his organization had done extensive research on the effectiveness of home and visiting teaching. Though he only touched on it briefly, I found it fascinating: there is no statistical relationship between number (or percentage) of visits, and the points leaders defined as the true purposes of home and visiting teaching. In other words, a visit doesn’t equal a meaningful bond or spiritual experience. You can read more about it in Kurt’s post on LeadingLDS, and we’ll definitely be looking to find out more about this to post here on MLH. Plus they provided a copy of the book, and I’ll be reviewing it here once I’ve finished. Definitely life-hacking stuff.

So here’s the rub: Bro. Grenny and his compadres are also the authors of several New York Times bestselling books such as Influencer, and Crucial Conversations. Grenny is putting on his annual “Utah Valley Date Night” this coming Fri the 20th of Sept. So if you’re in the SLC or Provo areas on Fri, you need to take our spouse and attend this event. It’s $7 per person. So $14, but you’ll get a copy of the Change Anything book (which sells for $10-14) so it’s practically free. Those who have gone in the past say it’s a great date, and excellent learning experience. Plus all the proceeds go to the United Way of Utah County. Here’s the details:

WHAT: “Change habits. Change your life. Applying the science of Behavior Change in the home.”
DATE: Friday, September 20, 2013
TIME: 7:00 – 8:30 p.m.
LOCATION: Provo City Library Grand Ball Room, 550 North University Ave., Provo, UT 84601
COST: $7.00 per person

[button color=”orange” link=”http://unitedwayuc.org/utah-valley-date-night?elq=b9de150f0d084477bed5423632f705d6&elqCampaignId=466″ size=”medium” target=”_blank” font=”georgia” align=”center”]Register Here[/button]

Here’s some quotes from the official press-release if you’re not quite convinced:

At the community date night, attendees will learn how to:

· Escape the willpower trap. Those who fail to change falsely believe they lack willpower. More often, the problem is that their world is perfectly organized to support unhealthy behaviors.
· Be the scientist and the subject. Those who succeed develop and refine a unique change plan tailored to their needs.
· Turn bad days into good data. See why incremental learning far outweighs dramatic success.
· Use Six Sources of Influence. Learn how to make your values, skills, social circles, reward systems and environment work for you rather than against you.

“Everyone struggles to change behavior—their own and others,” says Grenny. “The good news is we don’t have to. I’ll teach a proven model for helping people change the influences around them that actually govern their behavior. Just by making simple changes to your personal values, social circles and environment, you can become exponentially more successful at kicking bad habits and shaping new, healthier ones.”

I won’t be there (live too far south). But Kurt will, and you should be too if you’re in the area. Feel free to come back here and tell us what you learned in the comments.

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