Ukraine War Temple Miracle!

VIDEO: Ukraine War Temple Miracle!


Ukraine War Temple Miracle! – powered by Happy Scribe

Of a fullon attack from Russian forces on the capital of Ukraine. The Kiev, Ukraine Temple is completely unscathed. How is this possible? This is a miracle. I know of a mall that was hit from the blast of a Russian missile and in a single ball low, every single window in this mall shattered instantly.

And yet the Kiev, Ukraine Temple remains protected from any destructive force. Now, if you were present for the dedicatory prayer of the Kiev, Ukraine Temple, this would come as no surprise. President Monsoon gave this dedicatory prayer and he ends by saying, protect all from any devastating influence, destruction or defacement. Here we see the seed of a modern miracle in the promise of a Prophet of the Lord. In our day.

President Nelson has given us many promises, one of which is to expect miracles as we help to gather Israel. And he even talks about gaining spiritual momentum. And he says to expect blessings. That means when you’re feeling a desire to invite your friend to Church, do it. Go to your friend and say, hey, I’m going to Church this Sunday.

You want to come and expect that a miracle will occur. Even if your friend says no, someone will come to Church that Sunday because God acts by power, but his power usually comes in response to our faith. And so I would invite any youth, anyone who is watching this video, to be bold, to expect miracles. And I promise that as we do, as we fearlessly invite others to come into Christ by coming to Church, by setting a goal with God for an exact day, to be baptized. As we do this, and as we do this fearlessly, we can expect miracles.

And even in our darkest hours, when all hope seems lost, these miracles will sustain us. Just like the miracle of the Kiev, Ukraine temple.

VIDEO: Ukraine War Temple Miracle!

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