Jesus is the Messiah. Image via LDS Media Library Come follow Me 2019 lesson aids mormon

VIDEO: Like the widow of Nain, through the atonement of Jesus Christ, we too can be restored to all that Heavenly Father has promised us

In the New Testament, we read of the miracle Jesus performed in Nain—raising a widow’s son from the dead. As we study this story’s historical context, we’ll discover she had stood to lose far more than just her beloved son. She would lose her financial security, her property and inheritance, and even her legacy and name. Christ’s miracle of restoring the son also restored her. Like the widow of Nain, through the atonement of Jesus Christ, we too can be restored to all that the Father has promised us.

In the New Testament, we read of the miracle Jesus performed in Nain—raising a widow’s son from the dead. As we study this story’s historical context, we’ll discover she had stood to lose far more than just her beloved son. She would lose her financial security, her property and inheritance, and even her legacy and name. Christ’s miracle of restoring the son also restored her. Like the widow of Nain, through the atonement of Jesus Christ, we too can be restored to all that the Father has promised us.

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