Two of our greatest Christmas classics have the same basic plot: A Christmas-hating curmudgeon has a change of heart and comes to embrace Christmas.
Those stories?
How the Grinch Stole Christmas, by Dr. Suess, and A Christmas Carol, by Charles Dickens.
These are deservedly classic stories that have not only endured but have been revisited time and again in film and television for generations.
We like knowing that people can change, and we personalize that hope. The story of their redemptions fit well within the spirit of Christmas.
However, both of those stories lack the same thing. Both the Grinch and the Scrooge eventually had a “Come to Christmas moment.” But neither of them had a “Come to Jesus moment.”
This is not to say that A Christmas Carol, is fully secular. There are Christian threads woven throughout, and a subtle reference by Tiny Tim to “remember upon Christmas day who made lame beggars walk, and blind men see.” But Christ is never directly referred to. Many would argue that Dickens left the “Christ” out of Christmas. He definitely omitted Jesus from the narrative, but some of the Christian elements are quietly embedded.
The Grinch? Secular, but fun. Besides, a Dr. Seuss version of Jesus would be off-putting.
In these stories of redemption and hearts softening, there is literally zero discussion of the Redeemer Himself and the role He plays in the changing of our hearts. Can we really embrace the true meaning of Christmas, yet ignore the very person that it is about?
In his novella, Up on the Housetop, Bradley McBride has taken on the task of revisiting the idea of an anti-Christmas character and his evolution and redemption. McBride shows deference to the classics, but places the setting in our day, with plenty of modern cultural references. More importantly, he includes the Savior’s role in the evolution of the protagonist.
“Up on the Housetop” is available on Amazon in paperback, eBook and Audible format.
About the Author:
Bradley McBride has been blogging for over a decade, initially as ‘Middle-Aged Mormon Man’ (Until President Nelson put a stop to that.) He currently blogs at Up on the Housetop is his first foray into fiction.
Move over, Ebenezer. The 21st century Scrooge has arrived!
If you’re looking for an uplifting holiday story that’s more than just fluff, Brad McBride’s heartfelt novella, Up on the Housetop, is a must-read this Christmas. Rather than dancing around the true meaning of Christmas, or replacing it with a shallow imitation, McBride’s character Sam must face his lack of faith in the mission of the baby Jesus head-on while in perilous circumstances. There’s a visit from an angel, a sweet redemption, and even a delightful twist at the end. Five stars. Highly recommend.