Mormon missionaries twenty one pilots ohio recreation

These missionaries went on a RIDE looking for a HOUSE OF GOLD and just knocked on the door of the drummer’s mom from twenty-one pilots!

Check out what happened when these missionaries knocked on the door of the mom of the drummer from twenty-one pilots!

Two missionaries serving in the Ohio Columbus Mission were tracting on their bikes when they knocked on a door—Laura answered.

She was very nice.

She invited them in.

Through conversation, they found out Laura is the mother of Josh Dun (drummer for twenty-one pilots).

Cool story, right?

Mormon missionaries twenty one pilots ohio

Mormon missionaries twenty one pilots ohio recreation

And, what makes it more meaningful?

Before serving a mission, one of the missionaries struggled with his family moving and attending four high schools before graduation. His issues caused both him and his family a lot of pain. At graduation, he was asked to sing the only solo in the ceremony. He poured out his soul in a song he chose–”Forest” by twenty-one pilots. The lyrics of this song spoke to everyone and the gym was filled with tears of gratitude.

Three months ago this young man lost his very best friend in a tragic accident. They played music together for two years prior to his mission and planned to keep playing together and with the band Firefly when he returned. This young man faced the news with faith and much fasting and prayer. Call it luck or coincidence, but this young man’s family knows that knocking on the door of Laura was not an accident. It was a sign of God’s love and awareness. Truly, it was a “house of gold.”


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