The Book of Mormon is another testament of Jesus Christ, like the Bible. In it are stories of God speaking to His children, and guidance for our day. Maybe the most significant, it can change your life. Let’s talk about how.
Do you want to become more familiar with the Holy Bible but don’t know where to start? Request a Bible study from missionaries in your area, online or in person.
Have a post idea? If you'd like to see about providing a guest post on MLH, contact us and tell us about it. We love to post articles that help people live fuller, more vibrant lives. Bonus if it speaks specifically to the uniqueness of living a faithful LDS lifestyle.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints owns two properties — a 1,100-acre northern tract and a 3,100-acre southern one — in Lee’s Summit, MO. It has partnered with the city to develop them.
Book of Mormon Central presents Zander Sturgill; he created a quick explanation video of the Book of Mormon plates structure.
You can download this chart for free!
BYU Studies Quarterly The Restored Gospel and Good Government The most recent issue of BYU Studies Quarterly explores principles that create good government from a Latter-day Saint perspective. The deep scholarship, ardent…
The Prophet Joseph Smith and his brother, Hyrum, were shot and killed while under the protection of the state of Illinois in Carthage Jail. The jail and its rooms are shown in this virtual storytelling tour!