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Sorry young men and young women serving at temple open houses. You’ve just been replaced . . .

Hey people in charge of temple open houses. Have you seen this?

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Hey people in charge of temple open houses. Have you seen this?

Shoe Booty is a clean, plastic, disposable shield that promises to cover your shoes and protect clean temple floors.

Simply step into the Shoe Booty so the dirt will not get onto to your clean floors.

Each Shoe Booty is made of tough clear plastic and will help you keep the dirt off

You can reload the Shoe Bootys easily by snapping the shoe booty’s into place and remove the tag and then you are ready to use another 20 pairs of bootys. It is guaranteed to never jam.


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Perfect for Temple Open Houses

Sorry young men and young women serving at temple open houses. You now have 1 less job to do . . .

Posted by Mormon Life Hacker on Sunday, June 25, 2017

  1. 20 pairs x $70 x how many tens of thousands of visitors?? Yeah, I think the youth are going to have jobs for a long, long time!

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