Request Your Priesthood Line of Authority by Email


In 1994, the Church announced that it would no longer trace a member’s Priesthood Line of Authority, but that it would be each member’s individual responsibility.  They realized this was a mistake because less than a decade later (in 2001) they returned to keeping this important information themselves.

Any Priesthood Holder can trace his authority back to Peter, James, and John who conferred the Melchizedek Priesthood on the Prophet Smith.  Having your Line of Authority allows you to live in accordance with the dictate in D&C 42:11 that it may be “known to the church that he has authority and has been regularly ordained by the heads of the church.”

Do you have your Line of Authority?

If not, the easiest thing you can do is request it from the church via email.  All you have to do is send an email to requesting your Line of Authority, with the following information:

1. Full name of the Priesthood Holder
2. Date of Birth
3. Current Ward and Stake
4. Address and Zip Code
5. Elder Ordination Date
6. Who performed the Elder Ordination
7. Ward and Stake where Elder ordination was performed
8. High Priest Ordination date if applicable
9. Who performed the High Priest ordination
10. Ward and Stake where High Priest ordination was performed
11. Any Melchizedek Priesthood ordinations performed by the priesthood holder

If you would like, you can also request your Line of Authority by phone by calling toll-free 1-800-453-3860, then choosing option 6 to talk to Member Services.  They will then be able to help you.

Please note, however, that through email correspondence with Church officials I have learned the following and, unfortunately, there are some Lines of Authority that will not be complete.

“Unfortunately between the years 1993 and 2001, the names of the officiators were not entered on the membership record, only the date of the ordination was kept.  Since then we have been asked to record the officiators name and have lines of authority on the membership system.  We have been trying since 2005 to obtain the missing information on a great number of records.”

What does your Line of Authority mean to you?

  1. I am elder Terkula shedrach ushahemba from Abuja Nigeria south stake of the church of Jesus Christ lds.please I need my line of authority record.please I want to bear my testimony.thank you o GOD.

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