Tember Harward recently shared a file for gay Latter-day Saints that might help them reconcile their faith with their feelings.
He says . . .
As convert to the Church with SSA (same-sex attraction), I can tell you from personal experience, that this this journey with faith and SSA can at times be very painful and confusing. Many us within the Church have at times felt hopeless or lost in God’s Plan. With that in mind, we created this free resource to help other SSA members like myself, who are seeking guidance and and hope. This is a manual created for Latter-day Saints who experience SSA, who are trying reconcile their faith and experience with SSA. I hope it can be a blessing to you, a family member or friend who needs support. God bless you!
A general guide for Latter-day Saints seeking to reconcile their faith in the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ with their experience of same-sex attraction.