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Nadia Khristean and Shaun Barrowes in a spectacular performance of the original song “Broken”


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Have you seen this video performed by LDS talent YoutubersΒ Nadia Khristean and Shaun Barrowes? It also includes almost 170 of BYU’s Women’s Chorus performers!


You can follow Nadia Khristean on social media here:


Nadia Khristean and Shaun Barrowes debut a spectacular performance of the original song “Broken.” Close to 170 of BYU’s Women’s Chorus performers participated in the videos, in song, and in service by donating thousands of items to the refugees.

Also featured in the video is Mariama Kallon, a refugee who left her war-torn country of Sierra Leone in the 90s. She had heard her parents’ cries for help and the shots that killed them. Her older sister saved her from being killed by keeping her from turning back as they escaped the rebels. Torture and murder were their everyday reality.

As a refugee, Mariama said, “Living in a war situation you have the hope for nothing because you know one day, your time will come.” Much like Mariama, the millions of refugees fleeing Iraq, Syria, Iran, and other countries embroiled in the Middle East conflict are in the situation she was in two decades ago.

Of the tens of millions of people fleeing the Middle East, half of them are children. With the rest of the world, singer and YouTube star Nadia Khristean watched them on the news travel in throngs, with just the clothes on their back, to makeshift shelters, many left to sleep on the wilderness floor.

“Broken” is the second YouTube music video Nadia produced in a series dedicated to helping the refugees. She and her co-writer Travis Edwards had just finished writing the song when the refugee crisis came to her attention. Nadia immediately enlisted the help of the BYU Women’s Chorus to both sing with her and collect supplies for the refugees. Hundreds teamed with the Refugee Action Network in her area for the cause, collecting clothes and hygiene materials.

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