UPDATE: As we talked about previously, we’re randomly promoting old MLH posts so you can find out about stuff you may have missed. This one popped up today, but needs an update. It was originally about LDSAudio.com which is no longer in service. MLH reader Michelle passed on an email from DeseretBook with the latest on LDSAudio:
Thank you for your inquiry. LDSAudio.com was purchased by Deseret Book Fall 2010. At the end of September 2011, LDS Audio’s website was discontinued as some of the downloads will be uploaded onto DeseretBook.com for purchase. All previously purchased content and account information has been removed and is no longer accessible.
LDSAudio’s terms and conditions recommended that all audio products to be backed up (computer, CD, external hard drive, USB drive, etc…) in the event that the website was closed or users accounts were compromised.
As a result of this change, I am happy to issue a free digital download of your choosing (up to $12.99). Just let me know what you would like and I can add it to your DeseretBook.com account. Our MP3 downloads can be found here: http://deseretbook.com/LDS-MP3-Downloads/c/62#q=&page=1&sort=popularity&facets=category:62
If you have any concerns or questions, please let me know. I am here to help.
Brett Sorensen
Digital Downloads Customer Service
Unfortunately for Michelle, she was hoping to re-download all her content from LDSAudio as she recently had a computer crash, and may not have access to her local copy.
Looking for some quality LDS music, but don’t know where to find it? Look no further than LDS Audio. LDS Audio is the LDS equivalent to the iTunes store. For as little as .99 you can download an mp3. LDS Audio has a very large selection of traditional and contemporary LDS music. They also have a nice selection of talks. Check them out today.