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How much is The Book of Mormon actually worth? Pawn Stars may have the answer . . .

OK. So we know the Book of Mormon is of great worth, correct? Well, exactly how much is it worth?

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OK. So we know the Book of Mormon is of great worth, correct?

After all, it is the keystone of our religion.

Well, on the television show “Pawn Stars,” Rick Harrison was surprised to find out that the most expensive book that the appraiser, Rebecca Romney, quoted for him was ta rather rare edition of The Book of Mormon.

The appraiser said:

“Rick, this by far the most valuable book you’ve ever had me appraise …”

She concluded that the book was worth about $40,000 dollars, and mentioned that this edition was worth so much because of the ties it had to the history of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Additionally, this specific book was the final printed edition before Joseph Smith was killed.

NOTE: The book sold for $24,000.


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