If you put DeseretBook.com and FREE together you get a great combo. DeseretBook.com/free has a great collection of books available for free. You just need to establish an account with DeseretBook.com/free and you can then download any of the choices that are listed below. They will put the e-books into your account for download and they will be available for 30 days.
This is for a limited time, so don’t wait to download them. Here is the current list of books:
- Please Pass the Scriptures by John Hilton
- The Book of Mormon Sleuth, Vol. 3 by CB Andersen
- What I Wish I’d Known While I Was Single by John Bytheway
- Digging Deeper: Discovering and Applying Life-Changing Doctrines from The Book of Mormon by Robert I. Eaton
- Sisters at The Well: Women and the Life and Teachings of Jesus by Richard Holzapfel
- 10 Secrets Wise Parents Know by Brent L. Top
- Saving Kristen by Jack Weyland
- Growing Up: Gospel Answers about Maturation and Sex by Brad Wilcox
Tech Tip: A fun tip so you can have your book of choice with you at all times. Email the file to yourself so it can be available where ever you read your email. Your mobile device, if it can read pdf files, all your computers and at the library. You can also print a chapter, stick it in your purse, backpack, or briefcase and just pull it out when you are standing in line, waiting to pick up the kids or waiting for a church meeting to start. There are always ways to add some old-fashion enjoyment: reading. Plus two look like great books that all parents should read.
What do you do to grab some extra reading time? Download to mobile device, books/talks on CD, Kindle or still the great pastime of reading, an actual book? The possibilities are endless.
The link isn’t there any more. I emailed DB and here is their response. I followed it and got 2 books.:
When the Deseret Bookshelf application is installed 8 free eBooks + Standard Works are loaded into your library. Earlier this year we had a Choose Two additional free eBooks promotion; which is still valid.
When you visit the following link, you will be prompted to login. A listing of 30 titles will appear, where you may select any 2 eBooks for free that you prefer. After reviewing the list, you will want to click on the “SELECT” icon for the first title. A pop-up window will confirm the choice and then ask you to click the “SELECT” icon for the second choice.
One redemption per customer. Once the first title is selected, it cannot be reversed.
I love readind on my nook, but have not been able to read any of the churchs books. This will be the best way to have good books to read, books that are nice to read,,that i will not have to woory about the wrong words or contient in them